- Mac Mahon, Patrice de
- MacDonald, James Ramsay
- Machado, Bernardino
- Macmillan, Harold
- Madagascar: Archontology
- Madagascar: Heads of State: 1958-2025
- Madagascar: Polity Style: 1958-2025
- Madagascar: President of the Council of Government: 1958
- Madagascar: Rulers: 1817-1896
- Madagascar: Sources
- Madison, James
- Major, John
- Maksum, Nusratullo
- Malawi: Archontology
- Malawi: Gazette 1964-07-31
- Malawi: Governors-General: 1964-1966
- Malawi: Heads of State: 1964-1966
- Malawi: Heads of State: 1966-2025
- Malawi: Polity Style: 1964-2025
- Malawi: Sources
- Malaysia: Archontology
- Malaysia: Heads of State: 1957-2025
- Malaysia: Polity Style: 1948-2025
- MALENKOV, Georgy Maksimilianovich
- Mali Federation: Archontology
- Mali Federation: Head of Government: 1959-1960
- Mali Federation: Polity Style: 1959-1960
- Mali Federation: Sources
- Mali: Archontology
- Mali: Heads of State: 1958-2025
- Mali: Polity Style: 1958-2025
- Mali: Sources
- Mallarmé, François-René-Auguste
- Malta: Archontology
- Malta: Government Gazette 1965-01-18
- Malta: Governors-General: 1964-1974
- Malta: Governors: 1962-1964
- Malta: Heads of State: 1964-1974
- Malta: Heads of State: 1974-2025
- Malta: Polity Style: 1962-2025
- Malta: Sources
- Managua: Heads of State: 1824-1825
- MANCHESTER, earl of
- Manchuria: Archontology
- Manchuria: Heads of Government: 1932-1945
- Manchuria: Heads of State: 1932-1945
- Manchuria: Polity Style: 1932-1945
- Manchuria: Sources
- Maria I
- Marie, André
- MARSHAL, William
- Marshall Islands: Archontology
- Marshall Islands: Heads of State: 1979-2025
- Marshall Islands: Polity Style: 1979-2025
- Martos y Balbi, Cristino
- Martínez Barrio, Diego
- Martínez Barrio, Diego
- Marx, Wilhelm
- Mary I
- Mary I (Scotland)
- Mary II (Scotland)
- Maryland (Liberia): Archontology
- Maryland (Liberia): Colonial Governors: 1834-1854
- Maryland (Liberia): Polity Style: 1834-1857
- Maryland (Liberia): Sources
- Maryland (Liberia): State Governors: 1854-1857
- Maryland: Archontology
- Maryland: Polity Style: 1632-2025
- Maryland: President of the Council of Safety: 1775-1777
- Maryland: Sources
- Maryland: State Governors: 1777-1801
- María Cristina de Austria y de Austria-Este
- María Cristina de Borbón-Dos Sicilias y de Borbón
- Massachusetts: Archontology
- Massachusetts: Colonial Governors: 1629-1686
- Massachusetts: Colonial Governors: 1689-1776
- Massachusetts: Polity Style: 1629-2025
- Massachusetts: Presidency of the Council: 1775-1780
- Massachusetts: President of the Council for Safety: 1689
- Massachusetts: Presidents of the Provincial Congress: 1774-1775
- Massachusetts: Sources
- Massachusetts: State Governors: 1780-1799
- Massey, Charles Vincent
- MATILDA (the Empress)
- Mauritania: Archontology
- Mauritania: Heads of State: 1958-2025
- Mauritania: Polity Style: 1958-2025
- Mauritania: Sources
- Mauritius: Archontology
- Mauritius: Government Gazette 1968-05-25
- Mauritius: Governors-General: 1968-1992
- Mauritius: Heads of State: 1968-1992
- Mauritius: Heads of State: 1992-2025
- Mauritius: Polity Style: 1968-2025
- Mauritius: Sources
- Maximilian (Max), Prinz von Baden
- Mayer, René
- Mazzilli, Pascoal Ranieri
- McAleese, Mary (Mhic Giolla Íosa, Máire)
- McKean, Thomas
- McKinley, William
- McNeill, James (Séamus Mac Néill)
- MELBOURNE, 2nd viscount
- Mena Barreto, João de Deus
- Mendès France, Pierre
- MERLIN, Philippe-Antoine
- MERLIN, Philippe-Antoine
- MERLIN, Philippe-Antoine
- MERLIN, Philippe-Antoine
- Mexico: Archontology
- Mexico: Heads of State: 1813-1817
- Mexico: Heads of State: 1821-1824
- Mexico: Heads of State: 1824-1855
- Mexico: Heads of State: 1855-1914
- Mexico: Heads of State: 1858-1862
- Mexico: Heads of State: 1863-1867
- Mexico: Heads of State: 1914-1917
- Mexico: Heads of State: 1917-2025
- Mexico: Polity Style: 1821-2025
- Mexico: Sources
- Miaja Menant, José
- Michaelis, Georg
- Michener, Roland
- Micronesia: Archontology
- Micronesia: Heads of State: 1979-2025
- Micronesia: Polity Style: 1979-2025
- Middleton, Henry
- Mifflin, Thomas
- Miklas, Wilhelm
- Mikojan, Anastas
- Military Occupation (South): Military Governors: 1945-1948
- Military Occupation: 1879-1880
- Millerand, Alexandre
- Millerand, Alexandre
- Ming: Archontology
- Ming: Emperors: 1368-1644
- Ming: Polity Style: 1368-1644
- Ming: Sources
- Minto, earl of
- Mississippi: Archontology
- Mississippi: Polity Style: 1798-2025
- Mississippi: Sources
- Mississippi: State Governors: 1819-1865
- Mississippi: Territorial Governors: 1798-1817
- Missouri: Archontology
- Missouri: Notes
- Missouri: Polity Style: 1820-2025
- Missouri: Sources
- Missouri: State Governors: 1819-1865
- MITTERRAND, François-Maurice-Adrien-Marie
- Moldova: Archontology
- Moldova: Glossary
- Moldova: Heads of State: 1990-2025
- Moldova: Polity Style: 1917-2025
- Moldova: Presidents of the National Diet: 1917-1918
- Moldova: Sources
- Molkenbuhr, Brutus
- Molotov, Vjačeslav
- Monaco: Archontology
- Monaco: Polity Style: 1641-2025
- Monaco: President of the National Convention: 1641-1793
- Monaco: Sources
- Monaco: Sovereign Princes: 1641-1793
- Monaco: Sovereign Princes: 1814-2025
- Monck of Ballytrammon, baron
- Mongolia: Archontology
- Mongolia: Heads of State: 1911-1924
- Mongolia: Heads of State: 1924-1992
- Mongolia: Heads of State: 1992-2025
- Mongolia: Polity Style: 1911-2025
- Mongolia: Sources
- Monmouth, duke of
- Monroe, James
- Montenegro: Archontology
- Montenegro: Heads of State: 1991-2025
- Montenegro: King: 1910-1918
- Montenegro: Military Occupation: 1941-1943
- Montenegro: National Executive Committee: 1918-1919
- Montenegro: Polity Style: 1910-1918
- Montenegro: Polity Style: 1944-1991
- Montenegro: Polity Style: 1991-2025
- Montenegro: President of the Grand National Assembly: 1918
- Montenegro: President of the Presidency of the Anti-Fascist Assembly for the National Liberation: 1944-1945
- Montenegro: President of the Presidency of the National Assembly: 1945-1946
- Montenegro: Presidents of the National Assembly: 1953-1974
- Montenegro: Presidents of the Presidency of the Republic: 1974-1991
- Montenegro: Presidents of the Presidium of the Constituent Assembly: 1946
- Montenegro: Presidents of the Presidium of the National Assembly: 1946-1953
- Montenegro: Rulers: 1852-1910
- Montenegro: Sources
- Morais Barros, Prudente José de
- Moreira da Costa Ribeiro, Delfim
- Morocco: Archontology
- Morocco: Glossary
- Morocco: Heads of State: 1666-1790
- Morocco: Heads of State: 1790-1957
- Morocco: Heads of State: 1957-2025
- Morocco: Polity Style: 1666-2025
- Morocco: Sources
- Moulin, Jean-François-Auguste
- Mozambique: Archontology
- Mozambique: Heads of State: 1975-2025
- Mozambique: Polity Style: 1975-2025
- Mozambique: Sources
- Moñino y Redondo, José (Conde de Floridablanca)
- Muniz, João Bráulio
- Murat, Joachim (Grand-Duc de Berg et de Clèves)
- Musabekov, Gazanfar
- Myanmar: Archontology
- Myanmar: Heads of State: 1948-2025
- Myanmar: Notes
- Myanmar: Polity Style: 1948-2025
- Myanmar: Sources
- Médici, Emílio Garrastazu
- Múzquiz, Melchor
- Müller, Hermann
- Müller, Hermann
- Müller, Richard
Last update: 28 Mar 2025