- Cabanellas, Miguel
- Cabeçadas, Mendes
- Cabo Verde: Archontology
- Cabo Verde: Heads of State: 1975-2025
- Cabo Verde: Polity Style: 1975-2025
- Café Filho, João Fernandes de Campos
- California: Archontology
- California: Governors: 1846-1849
- California: Polity Style: 1849-2025
- California: Sources
- California: State Governors: 1849-1867
- Callaghan, James
- Cambacérès, Jean-Jacques Régis de
- Cambon, Joseph
- CAMBON, Joseph
- Cameron, David
- Cameroon: Archontology
- Cameroon: Heads of State: 1960-2025
- Cameroon: Polity Style: 1960-2025
- Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry
- Canada (Province of): Sources
- Canada: Archontology
- Canada: Governors General: 1867-2025
- Canada: Notes
- Canada: Polity Style: 1867-2025
- Canada: Sources
- Canada: Sovereigns: 1867-2025
- Canalizo, Valentín
- CANNING, George
- Cánovas del Castillo, Antonio
- Cánovas del Castillo, Antonio
- Cantabria: Archontology
- Cantabria: Polity Style: 1982-2025
- Cantabria: Presidents of the Government: 1982-2025
- Cantabria: Sources
- Canto e Castro, João do
- Cao Wei: Archontology
- Cao Wei: Emperors: 220-266
- Cao Wei: Polity Style: 220-266
- Cao Wei: Sources
- Caprivi, Georg Leo von
- Caravelas, marquês de
- Cardoso, Fernando Henrique
- Carlos III
- Carlos IV
- Carmona, Óscar
- Carmona, Óscar
- Carnot, Lazare
- CARNOT, Lazare
- CARNOT, Lazare
- Carnot, Sadi
- Carrera, Martín
- Carroll, Daniel
- Carstens, Karl
- Cartagena: Archontology
- Cartagena: Heads of State: 1811-1812
- Cartagena: Polity Style: 1811-1812
- Carter, Jimmy
- Carvalho, José da Costa
- Casimir-Perier, Jean
- Casimir-Perier, Jean
- Castaños y Arragorri, Francisco Javier de (Duque de Bailén)
- Castelar y Ripoll, Emilio Manuel
- Castelo Branco, Humberto de Alencar
- Castile and León: Archontology
- Castile and León: Polity Style: 1983-2025
- Castile and León: Presidents of the General Council: 1978-1983
- Castile and León: Presidents of the Junta: 1983-2025
- Castile and León: Sources
- Castile-La Mancha: Archontology
- Castile-La Mancha: Polity Style: 1982-2025
- Castile-La Mancha: Presidents of the Junta: 1978-2025
- Castile-La Mancha: Sources
- Catalonia: Archontology
- Catalonia: Heads of Government: 1932-1937
- Catalonia: Polity Style: 1931-1939
- Catalonia: Polity Style: 1977-2025
- Catalonia: Presidents of the Generalitat: 1931-1939
- Catalonia: Presidents of the Generalitat: 1977-2025
- Catalonia: Sources
- Cavaignac, Louis-Eugène
- Ceballos, Juan Bautista
- Central African Republic: Archontology
- Central African Republic: Heads of State: 1958-2025
- Central African Republic: Polity Style: 1958-2025
- Central African Republic: Sources
- Central America: Archontology
- Central America: Heads of State: 1821-1840
- Central America: Heads of State: 1896-1898
- Central America: Heads of State: 1921-1922
- Central America: Polity Style: 1821-1840
- Central America: Polity Style: 1896-1898
- Central America: Polity Style: 1921-1922
- Central America: Sources
- Central Lithuania: Archontology
- Central Lithuania: Heads of Government: 1920-1922
- Central Lithuania: Military Governor: 1920-1921
- Central Lithuania: Polity Style: 1920-1922
- Central Lithuania: Sources
- Cernenko (Černenko), Konstantin Ustinovič
- Cervjakov (Červjakov), Aleksandr
- Chad: Archontology
- Chad: Heads of State: 1958-2025
- Chad: Polity Style: 1958-2025
- Chad: Sources
- Chairmen of the Council of Ministers: 1918-1920
- Chamberlain, Neville
- Charles Edward Stuart (Scotland)
- Charles I
- Charles I (Scotland)
- Charles II (England)
- Charles II (Scotland)
- Charlier, Louis-Joseph
- Chen: Archontology
- Chen: Emperors: 557-589
- Chen: Polity Style: 557-589
- Chen: Sources
- Childers, Erskine Hamilton
- Chile: Archontology
- Chile: Heads of State 1891-1932
- Chile: Heads of State: 1814
- Chile: Heads of State: 1817-1826
- Chile: Heads of State: 1826-1891
- Chile: Heads of State: 1932-2025
- Chile: Polity Style: 1818-2025
- Chile: Sources
- China (Fujian People's Government): Archontology
- China (Fujian People's Government): Head of Government: 1933-1934
- China (Fujian People's Government): Polity Style: 1933-1934
- China (Fujian People's Government): Sources
- China (People's Republic of): Archontology
- China (People's Republic of): Heads of Government: 1949-2025
- China (People's Republic of): Heads of State: 1949-2025
- China (People's Republic of): Name Index
- China (People's Republic of): Polity Style: 1949-2025
- China (People's Republic of): Sources
- China (Republic of): Archontology
- China (Republic of): Heads of State: 1948-2025
- China (Republic of): Polity Style: 1911-2025
- China (Republic of): Sources
- China (Soviet Republic of): Archontology
- China (Soviet Republic of): Chairman of the Central Executive Committee: 1931-1934
- China (Soviet Republic of): Polity Style: 1931-1934
- China (Soviet Republic of): Sources
- China: Archontology
- China: Central Military Government (Wuchang): 1911-1912
- China: Head of State (Beijing): 1930
- China: Head of the People's Government of North China: 1948-1949
- China: Head of the People's Government of the Northeas: 1949-1953
- China: Heads of Government (Beijing): 1912-1928
- China: Heads of Government (Nanjing): 1940-1945
- China: Heads of Government (Nanjing, Chongqing): 1928-1948
- China: Heads of State (Beijing): 1912-1928
- China: Heads of State (Guangzhou): 1931-1932
- China: Heads of State (Guangzhou, Wuhan): 1925-1927
- China: Heads of State (Nanjing): 1940-1945
- China: Heads of State (Nanjing, Chongqing): 1927-1948
- China: Military Government (Guangzhou): 1917-1925
- China: Military Government: 1916
- China: Provisional Government (Beijing): 1937-1940
- China: Provisional Government (Nanjing): 1911-1912
- China: Reformed Government (Nanjing): 1938-1940
- Chirac, Jacques
- Chu: Archontology
- Chu: Archontology
- Chu: Emperor: 1127
- Chu: Emperor: 404
- Chu: Polity Style: 1127
- Chu: Polity Style: 404
- Chu: Sources
- Chu: Sources
- Churchill (Spencer-Churchill), Winston
- Chute, Chaloner
- Ciskei: Archontology
- Ciskei: Heads of State: 1981-1994
- Ciskei: Polity Style: 1981-1994
- Clarendon, Earl of
- Clarkson, Adrienne
- Cleveland, Grover
- Clinton, Bill
- Cnut (Canute)
- Cobb, Howell
- Cochinchina: Archontology
- Cochinchina: Heads of State: 1946-1948
- Cochinchina: Polity Style: 1946-1949
- Cochinchina: Sources
- Cohen-Reuß, Emmanuel ("Max")
- Coimbra da Luz, Carlos
- Collins, Michael (Ó Coileáin, Mícheál)
- Collor de Mello, Fernando Afonso
- Collot d'Herbois, Jean-Marie
- Colombia: Archontology
- Colombia: Heads of Administration: 1819-1821
- Colombia: Heads of State: 1812-1816
- Colombia: Heads of State: 1831-1861
- Colombia: Heads of State: 1860-1885
- Colombia: Heads of State: 1885-1958
- Colombia: Heads of State: 1958-2025
- Colombia: Polity Style: 1811-1816
- Colombia: Polity Style: 1819-2025
- Colombia: Sources
- Comayagua: Archontology
- Comayagua: Heads of State 1821-1824
- Comayagua: Polity Style 1821-1824
- Comoros: Archontology
- Comoros: Heads of State: 1975-1990
- Comoros: Heads of State: 1990-2025
- Comoros: Polity Style: 1975-2025
- Comoros: Sources
- Confederate States of America: Archontology
- Confederate States of America: Head of State: 1861-1865
- Confederate States of America: Polity Style: 1861-1865
- Confederate States of America: Presidents of the Provisional Congress: 1861-1862
- Confederate States of America: Sources
- Congo (Brazzaville): Archontology
- Congo (Brazzaville): Heads of State: 1958-2025
- Congo (Brazzaville): Polity Style: 1958-2025
- Congo (Brazzaville): Sources
- Congo (Kinshasa): Archontology
- Congo (Kinshasa): Heads of State: 1885-1908
- Congo (Kinshasa): Heads of State: 1960-2025
- Congo (Kinshasa): Polity Style: 1885-2025
- Congo (Kinshasa): Sources
- Connaught, Duke of
- Connecticut: Archontology
- Connecticut: Governors: 1769-1798
- Connecticut: Notes
- Connecticut: Polity Style: 1662-2025
- Connecticut: Sources
- Coolidge, Calvin
- Corro, José Justo
- Cosgrave, William Thomas (Liam Tomás Mac Cosgair)
- Cosgrave, William Thomas (Liam Tomás Mac Cosgair)
- Cosgrave, William Thomas (Liam Tomás Mac Cosgair)
- Costa e Silva, Artur da
- Costa Rica: Archontology
- Costa Rica: Heads of State: 1824-1848
- Costa Rica: Heads of State: 1848-1948
- Costa Rica: Heads of State: 1948-2025
- Costa Rica: Polity Style: 1821-2025
- Costa Rica: Provincial Authorities: 1821-1824
- Costa Rica: Sources
- Costello, John (Mac Coisdealbha, Seán)
- Côte d'Ivoire: Archontology
- Côte d'Ivoire: Heads of State: 1959-2025
- Côte d'Ivoire: Polity Style: 1958-2025
- Côte d'Ivoire: Presidents of the Council of Government: 1957-1959
- Côte d'Ivoire: Sources
- Coty, René
- Couthon, Georges
- Craveiro Lopes, Francisco
- Croatia: Archontology
- Croatia: Head of Regional Administration: 1939-1941
- Croatia: Heads of Government: 1990-2025
- Croatia: Heads of State: 1941-1945
- Croatia: Heads of State: 1990-2025
- Croatia: Polity Style: 1939-1945
- Croatia: Polity Style: 1939-2025
- Croatia: Polity Style: 1990-2025
- Croatia: President of the Presidency of the State Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation: 1944-1945
- Croatia: President of the Presidium of the Constituent Assembly: 1946-1947
- Croatia: President of the Presidium of the National Assembly: 1945-1953
- Croatia: Presidents of the National Assembly: 1953-1974
- Croatia: Presidents of the Presidency of the Republic: 1974-1990
- Croatia: Presidents of the Presidium of the National Assembly: 1947-1953
- Croatia: Sources
- Cromwell, Oliver
- Cromwell, Richard
- Cuba: Archontology
- Cuba: Heads of State: 1868-1899
- Cuba: Heads of State: 1902-2025
- Cuba: Polity Style: 1868-2025
- Cuenca: Archontology
- Cuenca: Heads of State: 1820
- Cuenca: Polity Style: 1820
- Cundinamarca: Archontology
- Cundinamarca: Heads of State: 1811-1814
- Cundinamarca: Polity Style: 1811-1814
- Cuno, Wilhelm
- Cyprus: Archontology
- Cyprus: Heads of State: 1960-2025
- Cyprus: Polity Style: 1960-2025
- Cyprus: Sources
- Czechia: Archontology
- Czechia: Chairmen of the Czech National Council: 1968-1992
- Czechia: Heads of State: 1993-2025
- Czechia: Polity Style: 1969-2025
- Czechoslovakia: Archontology
- Czechoslovakia: Heads of State: 1918-1939
- Czechoslovakia: Heads of State: 1945-1992
- Czechoslovakia: Polity Style: 1918-1939
- Czechoslovakia: Polity Style: 1945-1992
- Czechoslovakia: Sources
Last update: 12 Mar 2025