- Rabaut Saint-Étienne, Jean-Paul
- Rademaker Grünewald, Augusto Hamann
- Rahimbaev, Abdullo
- Ramadier, Paul
- Ramos, Nereu de Oliveira
- Ramsay, David
- Randolph, Peyton
- Rau, Johannes
- Raveaux, Franz
- Reagan, Ronald
- Renner, Karl
- Republic of Genoa: Archontology
- Republic of Genoa: Archontology
- Republic of Genoa: Doges: 1601-1701
- Republic of Genoa: Doges: 1701-1797
- Republic of Genoa: Polity Style: 1814
- Republic of Genoa: President of the Provisional Government: 1814
- Republic of Genoa: Sources
- Republic of Genoa: Sources
- Republic of Indonesia: Archontology
- Republic of Indonesia: Heads of State: 1945-1950
- Republic of Indonesia: Polity Style: 1945-1950
- Republic of Venice: Archontology
- Republic of Venice: Doges: 1192-1797
- Republic of Venice: Notes
- Republic of Venice: Polity Style
- REUBELL, Jean-François
- REUBELL, Jean-François
- Reubell, Jean-François
- Reubell, Jean-François
- Reynolds, Albert (Ailbhe Mac Raghnaill)
- Rhode Island: Archontology
- Rhode Island: Colonial Governors: 1663-1687
- Rhode Island: Colonial Governors: 1689-1776
- Rhode Island: Polity Style: 1663-2025
- Rhode Island: Sources
- Rhode Island: State Governors: 1776-1805
- Rhodesia: Constitution 1965
- Rhodesia: Heads of State: 1970-1979
- Rhodesia: Officer Administering the Government: 1965-1970
- Rhodesia: Polity Style: 1965-1979
- Richard I
- Richard II
- Richard III
- Riel de Beurnonville, Pierre
- Rif: Archontology
- Rif: Heads of State: 1921-1926
- Rif: Polity Style: 1921-1926
- Rivero, Nicolás María
- Robert II (Scotland)
- Robert III (Scotland)
- Robespierre, Maximilien
- Robinson, Mary (Mhic Róibín, Máire)
- ROCHESTER, 1st Earl of
- ROCKINGHAM, 2nd marquess of
- Rodionov, Mikhail Ivanovich
- Rodrigues Alves, Francisco de Paula
- Rodriguez, Abelardo L.
- Rodríguez de Valcárcel, Alejandro
- Roman Republic: Archontology
- Roman Republic: Heads of State: 1849
- Roman Republic: Polity Style: 1849
- Roman Republic: Sources
- Romania: Archontology
- Romania: Heads of State: 1862-1866
- Romania: Heads of State: 1866-1947
- Romania: Heads of State: 1947-1989
- Romania: Heads of State: 1989-2025
- Romania: Polity Style: 1861-2025
- Romme, Gilbert
- Roosevelt, Franklin
- Roosevelt, Theodore
- ROSEBERY, 5th earl of
- Rous, Francis
- RUSSELL, Lord John
- Russia/USSR: Heads of Government: 1924
- Russia: Archontology
- Russia: Chairman of the Supreme Council: 1990-1991
- Russia: Chairmen of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee: 1917-1938
- Russia: Chairmen of the Committee of Ministers: 1864-1906
- Russia: Chairmen of the Council of Ministers: 1905-1917
- Russia: Chairmen of the Council of Ministers: 1946-1991
- Russia: Chairmen of the Council of People's Commissars: 1917-1946
- Russia: Chairmen of the Presidium of the Supreme Council: 1938-1990
- Russia: Chairmen of the Provisional Government: 1917
- Russia: Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly: 1918
- Russia: First Deputy Chairman of the Government: 1991
- Russia: Heads of Government: 1991-1992
- Russia: Heads of Government: 1991-2025
- Russia: Heads of State: 1991-2025
- Russia: Polity Style: 1721-1917
- Russia: Polity Style: 1917
- Russia: Polity Style: 1917-1991
- Russia: Polity Style: 1991-2025
- Russia: President of the Russian SFSR: 1991
- Russia: Provisional All-Russian Government: 1918
- Russia: Sources
- Russia: Supreme Ruler: 1918-1920
- Russia: Tsars and Grand Princes: 1547-1613
- Russia: Tsars and Grand Princes: 1613-1721
- Rwanda: Archontology
- Rwanda: Heads of State: 1961-2025
- Rwanda: Polity Style: 1961-2025
- Rwanda: Sources
- Rykov, Aleksej (USSR)
- Rykov, Aleksey Ivanovich
- RYZHKOV, Nikolaj Ivanovič
- Rühl, Philippe
Last update: 28 Mar 2025