HomeNationsRussiaMonarchsTsars and Grand Princes: 1547-1613

Russia: Tsars and Grand Princes: 1547-1613

Velikij Gosudarʹ, Carʹ i Velikij Knjazʹ vsej Rusi (Великий Государь, Царь и Великий Князь всей Руси) | Great Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Prince of all Rus' [1]
16 Jan 1547 - 18/28 Mar 1584 Ivan Vasil'evič (Иван Васильевич) [2][3]
  regnal name (contemporary spelling): Ivanʺ Vasilievičʺ (Иванъ Василиевичъ), Ìoannʺ Vasilievičʺ (Іоаннъ Василиевичъ); monastic name (before his death): Iona (Иона)
  accession: 16 Jan 1547 (coronation); end of reign: 18/28 Mar 1584 (died)
18/28 Mar 1584 - 6/16 or 7/17 Jan 1598 Fëdor Ivanovič (Фёдор Иванович) [4]
  regnal name (contemporary spelling): F̀eodorʺ Ìoannovičʺ (Ѳеодоръ Іоанновичъ), F̀eodorʺ Ivanovičʺ (Ѳеодоръ Ивановичъ)
  accession: 18/28 Mar 1584 (succeeded as designated heir); end of reign: 6/16 or 7/17 Jan 1598 (died)
Gosudarynja Carica i Velikaja Knjaginja vsej Rusi (Государыня Царица и Великая Княгиня всей Руси) | Sovereign, Tsaritsa and Grand Princess of all Rus'
7/17 Jan 1598 - 21 Feb/3 Mar 1598 Irina Fëdorovna (Ирина Фёдоровна)
  family name: Godunova (Годунова); monastic name (after 15/25 Jan 1598): Aleksandra (Александра);
  regnal name (contemporary spelling): Irina F̀eodorovna (Ирина Ѳеодоровна), Aleksandra F̀eodorovna (Александра Ѳеодоровна);
  accession: 7/17 Jan 1598 (proclaimed by a group of clergy and nobility); end of reign: 15/25 Jan 1598 (moved to a monastery near Moscow); 21 Feb/3 Mar 1598 (endorsed the acceptance of throne by elected successor)
Velikij Gosudarʹ, Carʹ i Velikij Knjazʹ vsej Rusi (Великий Государь, Царь и Великий Князь всей Руси) | Great Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Prince of all Rus' [1]
21 Feb/3 Mar 1598 - 13/23 Apr 1605 Boris Fëdorovič (Борис Фёдорович)
  family name: Godunov (Годунов); regnal name (contemporary spelling): Borisʺ F̀eodorovicʺ (Борисъ Ѳеодоровичъ), Borisʺ F̀edorovicʺ (Борисъ Ѳедоровичъ); monastic name (before his death): Bogolep (Боголеп)
  accession: 17/27 Feb 1598 (elected in absentia by a popular assembly in Moscow); 21 Feb/3 Mar 1598 (accepted election in a monastery near Moscow); 26 Feb/8 Mar 1598 (arrived to Moscow); end of reign: 13/23 Apr 1605 (died)
16/26 or 17/27 Apr 1605 - 1/11 Jun 1605 Fëdor Borisovič (Фёдор Борисович) [5]
  family name: Godunov (Годунов); name (original forms in contemporary spelling): F̀eodorʺ Borisovičʺ (Ѳеодоръ Борисовичъ), F̀edorʺ Borisovičʺ (Ѳедоръ Борисовичъ)
  accession: 16/26 or 17/27 Apr 1605 (elected by a popular assembly); end of reign: 1/11 Jun 1605 (deposed by popular revolt)
20/30 Jun 1605 - 17/27 May 1606 Dmitrij Ivanovič (Дмитрий Иванович) [6]
  original name: disputed; identified as Grigorij (Григорий) or Georgij/Jurij (Георгий/Юрий) Bogdanov syn Otrep'ev (Богданов сын Отрепьев) in official propaganda against him; regnal name (contemporary spelling): Dmitrìj/Dmitrej Ivanovičʺ (Дмитрій/Дмитрей Ивановичъ), Dimitrìj Ìoannovičʺ (Димитрій Іоанновичъ); historically known as Lžedmitrij I (Лжедмитрий I), i.e. False Dmitrij I
  accession: 20/30 Jun 1605 (arrived to Moscow); end of reign: 17/27 May 1606 (died)
19/29 May 1606 - 17/27 Jul 1610 Vasilij Ivanovič (Василий Иванович) [7]
  family name: Šujskij (Шуйский); regnal name (contemporary spelling): Vasilìj/Vasilej Ivanovičʺ (Василій/Василей Ивановичъ), Vasilìj Ìoannovičʺ (Василій Іоанновичъ); monastic name (19/29 Jul 1610): Varlaam (Варлаам)
  accession: 19/29 May 1606 (proclaimed by a group of clergy and nobility); end of reign: 17/27 Jul 1610 (forced to relinquish the throne and left the Moscow Kremlin)
17/27 Jul 1610 - 14/24 Mar 1613 interregnum [8]
  1. Normally as part of the full title.
  2. Velikij Knjazʹ vsej Rusi (Великий Князь всей Руси) | Grand Prince of all Rus'
    Oct 1575 - Aug 1576
    Simeon Bekbulatovič (Симеон Бекбулатович)

    Original name: Sayin Bulat bin Beg Bulat (ساین بولاط بن بیگ بولاط); Russian: Sain-Bulat (Саин-Булат); baptized (before 15 Jul 1573): Simeon (Симеон); regnal name (contemporary spelling): Semìonʺ Bekbulatovičʺ (Семіонъ Бекбулатовичъ); monastic name (3/13 Apr 1606): Stefan (Стефан). Simeon was installed as the grand prince in Moscow in the fall of 1575 (before 30 Oct 1575) to govern the lands formally excluded from the administration of Ivan Vasil'evič who moved to a countryside fortress and continued to rule styling himself the Prince of Moscow (knjaz' Moskovskij | князь Московский), ostensibly subordinated to Simeon Bekbulatovič.

  3. According to the register books, Ivan Vasil'evič died in the afternoon of 18/28 Mar 1584. The dates found in chronicles include 18/28 Mar 1584 and 19/29 Mar 1584.
  4. A biography of Fëdor Ivanovič written by an eyewitness of his death, the Patriarch of Moscow Iov, places the event as occurring around the midnight of 6/7 Jan 1598 (Old Style), while the entry in a register book suggests that it took place in the early hours of 7 Jan 1598 (Old Style). Both dates are found in chronicles and other primary sources.
  5. According to the register book and a charter, Fëdor Borisovič was elected by a popular assembly held shortly after the death of Boris Fëdorovič. At least, three accounts of foreign travellers assert that the army and Moscow residents took the oath of fealty either on 16/26 Apr 1605 or 17/27 Apr 1605. The charter sent to a monastery from Moscow on 29 Apr/9 May 1605 also mentions the election, but omits the date.
  6. Dmitrij Ivanovič claimed that he was the son of Ivan Vasil'evič who escaped assassination in 1591 and went into hiding. In 1604 Dmitrij placed himself at the head of the army and invaded Russia, advancing to Moscow by June 1605. After a popular revolt and deposition of Fëdor Borisovič in Moscow on 1/11 Jun 1605, Dmitrij was recognized as tsar by nobility and entered the city on 20/30 Jun 1605.
  7. Velikij Gosudarʹ, Carʹ i Velikij Knjazʹ vsej Rusi (Великий Государь, Царь и Великий Князь всей Руси) | Great Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Prince of all Rus' (in dissidence)
    1607 - 11/21 Dec 1610
    Dmitrij Ivanovič (Дмитрий Иванович)

    Original name: disputed; regnal name (contemporary spelling): Dmitrìj/Dmitrej Ivanovičʺ (Дмитрій/Дмитрей Ивановичъ), Dimitrìj Ìoannovičʺ (Димитрій Іоанновичъ); historically known as Lžedmitrij II (Лжедмитрий II), i.e. False Dmitrij II. A pretender of unknown origin, he laid claim to the throne in June 1607, asserting that he was the son of Ivan Vasil'evič who had escaped assassination in 1591 and survived the revolt on 17/27 May 1606. During the warfare against the tsar Vasilij Ivanovič, the pretender besieged Moscow (June 1608) and was recognized as tsar in many parts of Russia. Failing to capture the capital, he continued in opposition to Vasilij and later challenged the authority of the boyar government until his assassination on 11/21 Dec 1610.

  8. According to the decision approved at a popular meeting held in a field near Moscow on 17/27 Jul 1610, the tsar Vasilij Ivanovič was petitioned to step down and the government was transferred to the boyars (literally "to the prince Fëdor Ivanovič Mstislavskij and company" | "князю Фёдору Ивановичу Мстиславскому с товарищи"). This government of boyars, historically known as Bojarskaja duma (Боярская дума), concluded an agreement (17/27 Aug 1610) with the commander of the Polish-Lithuanian army, occupying some European parts of Russia, to the effect that królewicz Władysław, the son of the king of Poland and grand prince of Lithuania Zygmunt III, was to become the tsar on fulfillment of certain conditions. Pending the approval of the agreement by Zygmunt III, Władysław was recognized as the tsar (Vladislav Žigimontovič | Владислав Жигимонтович) by the boyar government. In the address to the boyars (11/21 Nov 1610), Zygmunt III consented to the election of Władysław, but refused to send him to Moscow, tacitly taking over his son's functions as the ruler of Russia. The claim was maintained, at least nominally, by the boyar government and the commanders of the Polish-Lithuanian troops in the Moscow Kremlin until their capitulation and surrender to the Volunteer Army on 26 Oct/5 Nov or 27 Oct/6 Nov 1612.