HomeNationsRussiaMonarchsTsars and Grand Princes: 1613-1721

Russia: Tsars and Grand Princes: 1613-1721

Božieju milostʹju, Velikij Gosudarʹ, Carʹ i Velikij Knjazʹ vsej Rusi (Rossii) Samoderžec (Божиею милостью, Великий Государь, Царь и Великий Князь всей Руси Самодержец) | By the Grace of God, Great Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Prince, Autocrat of all Rus' (Russia) [1]
14/24 Mar 1613 - 12/22 Jul 1645 Mihail Fëdorovič (Михаил Фёдорович)
  family name: Romanov (Романов); regnal name (contemporary spelling): Mihailʺ F̀eodorovičʺ (Михаилъ Ѳеодоровичъ)
  accession: 21 Feb/3 Mar 1613 (elected in absentia by a popular assembly in Moscow); 14/24 Mar 1613 (accepted election in a monastery near Kostroma); 2/12 May 1613 (arrived to Moscow); coronation: 11/21 Jul 1613; end of reign: 12/22 Jul 1645 (died)
Božieju milostʹju, Velikij Gosudarʹ, Carʹ i Velikij Knjazʹ vsej Velikoj i Maloj i Beloj Rossii Samoderžec (Божиею милостью, Великий Государь, Царь и Великий Князь всей Великой и Малой и Белой России Самодержец) | By the Grace of God, Great Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Prince, Autocrat of all Greater, Lesser and White Russia [1]
12/22 Jul 1645 - 29 Jan/8 Feb 1676 Aleksej Mihajlovič (Алексей Михайлович)
  regnal name (contemporary spelling): Aleksěj Mihajlovičʺ (Алексѣй Михайловичъ)
  accession: 12/22 Jul 1645 (succeeded as designated heir); end of reign: 29 Jan/8 Feb 1676 (died)
29 Jan/8 Feb 1676 - 27 Apr/7 May 1682 Fëdor Alekseevič (Фёдор Алексеевич)
  regnal name (contemporary spelling): F̀eodorʺ Aleksěevičʺ (Ѳеодоръ Алексѣевичъ)
  accession: 29 Jan/8 Feb 1676 (succeeded as designated heir); end of reign: 27 Apr/7 May 1682 (died)
27 Apr/7 May 1682 - 22 Oct/2 Nov 1721 Pëtr Alekseevič (Пётр Алексеевич)
  regnal name (contemporary spelling): Petrʺ Aleksěevičʺ (Петръ Алексѣевичъ)
  accession: 27 Apr/7 May 1682 (proclaimed by an assembly of notables); 23 May/2 Jun 1682 (joint tsars are proclaimed by a popular assembly); 26 May/5 Jun 1682 (proclaimed second tsar by a popular assembly); end of reign: n/a (accepted imperial title on 22 Oct/2 Nov 1721)
23 May/2 Jun 1682 - 29 Jan/8 Feb 1696 Ivan Alekseevič (Иван Алексеевич)
  regnal name (contemporary spelling): Ìoannʺ Aleksěevičʺ (Іоаннъ Алексѣевичъ)
  accession: 23 May/2 Jun 1682 (joint tsars are proclaimed by a popular assembly); 26 May/5 Jun 1682 (proclaimed first tsar by a popular assembly); end of reign: 29 Jan/8 Feb 1696 (died)
  1. Normally as part of the full title. Both Rus' (Rus'|Русь) and Russia (Rosija|Росия, Rossija|Россия) were used in the early 17th century. The references to Greater (Velikaja|Великая) and Lesser (Malaja|Малая) were added in 1654, the addition of White (Belaja|Белая) c. 1655.
  2. Regent (originally during the minority of Pëtr Alekseevič and Ivan Alekseevič:
    Velikaja Gosudarynja, Carevna i Velikaja Knjažna vsej Velikoj i Maloj i Beloj Rossii Samoderžica (Великая Государыня, Царевна и Великая Княжна всей Великой и Малой и Белой России Самодержица) | Great Sovereign, Tsarevna and Grand Princess, Autocrat of all Greater, Lesser and White Russia
    1682 - Sep 1689
    Sof'ja Alekseevna (Софья Алексеевна)

    Name (contemporary spelling): Sofìja Алексѣевна (Софія Алексѣевна). The date of formal acceptance of the position of regent is traditionally held to be 29 May/8 Jun 1682, but the legal act related to the establishment of regency is most probably a later fabrication to support the legitimacy of appointment. Sof'ja Alekseevna assumed the government de facto shortly after the proclamation of joint tsars on 26 May/5 Jun 1682 and, apparently, was given official recognition as regent in Sep/Oct 1682. The cited style in this form is found in the orders issued in 1686-1689.