- Namibia: Archontology
- Namibia: Heads of State: 1990-2025
- Namibia: Polity Style: 1990-2025
- Namibia: Sources
- Naples (Kingdom of): Sources
- Napoléon I
- Napoléon III
- Narimanov, Nariman
- Natal: Archontology
- Natal: Presiding Officers of Legislative Body: 1839-1845
- Natal: Sources
- Naudé, Jozua François
- Nauru: Archontology
- Nauru: Heads of State: 1968-2025
- Nauru: Polity Style: 1968-2025
- Nauru: Sources
- Nepal: Archontology
- Nepal: Heads of State: 2008-2025
- Nepal: Kings: 1768-2008
- Nepal: Polity Style: 1768-2025
- Nepal: Sources
- Netherlands (The): Archontology
- Netherlands (The): Executive Government: 1798
- Netherlands (The): Executive Government: 1798-1801
- Netherlands (The): Governor-General: 1810-1813
- Netherlands (The): Grand Pensionaries: 1805-1806
- Netherlands (The): Heads of State: 1813-1940
- Netherlands (The): Heads of State: 1945-2025
- Netherlands (The): Interim Executive Governments: 1798
- Netherlands (The): Kings: 1806-1810
- Netherlands (The): Polity Style: 1796-2025
- Netherlands (The): Presidents of the Constituent Assembly: 1798
- Netherlands (The): Presidents of the National Assembly: 1796-1798
- Netherlands (The): Provisional Government: 1813
- Netherlands (The): Sources
- Netherlands (The): State Government: 1801-1805
- Neves, Tancredo de Almeida
- New England (Dominion of): Sources
- New Hampshire: Archontology
- New Hampshire: Colonial Governors: 1680-1686
- New Hampshire: Colonial Governors: 1692-1775
- New Hampshire: Polity Style: 1680-2025
- New Hampshire: President of the Committee of Safety: 1776-1784
- New Hampshire: President of the Council: 1776-1784
- New Hampshire: Presidents of the State: 1784-1793
- New Hampshire: Sources
- New Hampshire: Speakers of the House of Representatives: 1776-1784
- New Jersey: Archontology
- New Jersey: Polity Style: 1776-2025
- New Jersey: President of the Convention: 1776
- New Jersey: Sources
- New Jersey: State Governors: 1776-1801
- New Netherland: Archontology
- New Netherland: Directors General: 1624-1664
- New Netherland: Governors: 1673-1674
- New Netherland: Polity Style: 1624-1674
- New Netherland: Sources
- New Republic: Archontology
- New Republic: Heads of State: 1884-1888
- New Republic: Polity Style: 1884-1888
- New Republic: Sources
- New York: Archontology
- New York: Colonial Governors: 1664-1673
- New York: Colonial Governors: 1674-1688
- New York: Colonial Governors: 1691-1783
- New York: Polity Style: 1664-2025
- New York: Presidents of the Provincial Congress: 1775-1777
- New York: Provisional Executives: 1689-1691
- New York: Sources
- New York: State Governors: 1777-1865
- New Zealand : Polity Style: 1841-2025
- New Zealand: Governors-General: 1917-2025
- New Zealand: Archontology
- New Zealand: Governors: 1840-1917
- New Zealand: Legislation: 1907-2025
- New Zealand: Sources
- New Zealand: Sovereigns (Heads of State): 1841-2025
- NEWCASTLE, duke of
- Nicaragua: Archontology
- Nicaragua: Heads of State: 1821-1825
- Nicaragua: Heads of State: 1825-1830
- Nicaragua: Heads of State: 1830-1854
- Nicaragua: Heads of State: 1854-1857
- Nicaragua: Heads of State: 1857-1911
- Nicaragua: Heads of State: 1911-1979
- Nicaragua: Heads of State: 1979-2025
- Nicaragua: Polity Style: 1821-2025
- Nicaragua: Sources
- Niger: Archontology
- Niger: Heads of State: 1958-2025
- Niger: Polity Style: 1958-2025
- Niger: Sources
- Nigeria: Archontology
- Nigeria: Governors-General: 1954-1963
- Nigeria: Heads of State: 1960-1963
- Nigeria: Heads of State: 1963-2025
- Nigeria: Official Gazette 1961-06-01
- Nigeria: Official Gazette 1961-08-31
- Nigeria: Polity Style: 1954-2025
- Nigeria: Sources
- Nixon, Richard
- Noronha, José Isaías de
- North Carolina: Archontology
- North Carolina: Colonial Governors: 1731-1775
- North Carolina: Polity Style: 1731-2025
- North Carolina: Presidents of the Council of Safety: 1776
- North Carolina: Presidents of the Provincial Congress: 1775-1776
- North Carolina: Presidents of the Provincial Council: 1775-1776
- North Carolina: Sources
- North Carolina: State Governors: 1776-1830
- North Macedonia: Archontology
- North Macedonia: Heads of State: 1991-2025
- North Macedonia: Polity Style: 1944-1991
- North Macedonia: Polity Style: 1991-2025
- North Macedonia: President of the Republic: 1991
- North Macedonia: President of the Presidium of the Anti-Fascist Assembly for the National Liberation: 1944-1945
- North Macedonia: President of the Presidium of the Constituent Assembly: 1946
- North Macedonia: Presidents of the National Assembly: 1953-1974
- North Macedonia: Presidents of the Presidency of the Republic: 1974-1991
- North Macedonia: Presidents of the Presidium of the National Assembly: 1945-1946
- North Macedonia: Presidents of the Presidium of the National Assembly: 1946-1953
- North Macedonia: Sources
- NORTH, Frederick
- North-Peruvian State: Archontology
- North-Peruvian State: Polity Style: 1836-1839
- North-Peruvian State: Presidents of the State: 1837-1839
- North-Peruvian State: Supreme Protector: 1836-1839
- Northern Cyprus: Archontology
- Northern Cyprus: Heads of State: 1975-2025
- Northern Cyprus: Polity Style: 1975-2025
- Northern Qi: Archontology
- Northern Qi: Emperors: 550-577
- Northern Qi: Polity Style: 550-577
- Northern Qi: Sources
- Northern Zhou: Archontology
- Northern Zhou: Polity Style: 557-581
- Northern Zhou: Rulers and Emperors: 557-581
- Northern Zhou: Sources
- Norway: Archontology
- Norway: Heads of State: 1319-1449
- Norway: Heads of State: 1449-1814
- Norway: Heads of State: 1814
- Norway: Heads of State: 1814-1905
- Norway: Heads of State: 1905-1940
- Norway: Heads of State: 1945-2025
- Norway: Military Occupation: 1940-1945
- Norway: Notes: 1319-2025
- Norway: Notes: 1940-1945
- Norway: Polity Style: 1814-2025
- Norway: Sources
Last update: 28 Mar 2025