- Gabon: Archontology
- Gabon: Heads of State: 1959-2025
- Gabon: Polity Style: 1958-2025
- Gabon: President of the Council of Government: 1958-1959
- Gabon: Sources
- Gagern, Heinrich von
- Gagern, Heinrich von
- Gaillard, Félix
- Galicia: Archontology
- Galicia: Polity Style: 1981-2025
- Galicia: Presidents of the Xunta: 1978-2025
- Galicia: Sources
- Gambia (The): Archontology
- Gambia (The): Governors-General: 1965-1970
- Gambia (The): Heads of State: 1965-1970
- Gambia (The): Heads of State: 1970-2025
- Gambia (The): Polity Style: 1965-2025
- Gambia (The): Sources
- Garfield, James
- Gauck, Joachim
- Gaulle, Charles de
- Gaulle, Charles de
- Gaulle, Charles de
- Geisel, Ernesto Beckmann
- General Governorate: Archontology
- General Governorate: Governor-General: 1939-1945
- General Governorate: Polity Style: 1939-1945
- General Governorate: Sources
- GENSONNÉ, Arnaud
- Gensonné, Armand
- George I
- George II
- George III
- George III
- George Prince of Wales (Prince Regent)
- George V (Australia)
- George V (Canada)
- George V (Irish Free State)
- George VI (Australia)
- George VI (Canada)
- Georgia: Archontology
- Georgia: Archontology
- Georgia: Chairman and Deputy Chairmen of the Constituent Assembly: 1919-1921
- Georgia: Chairman and Deputy Chairmen of the Parliament: 1918-1919
- Georgia: Chairman of the Supreme Council: 1990
- Georgia: Chairmen of the Central Executive Committee: 1922-1938
- Georgia: Chairmen of the Council of Ministers: 1946-1990
- Georgia: Chairmen of the Council of People's Commissars: 1922-1946
- Georgia: Chairmen of the National Council: 1917-1918
- Georgia: Chairmen of the Presidium of the Supreme Council: 1938-1990
- Georgia: Chairmen of the Revolutionary Committee: 1921-1922
- Georgia: Colonial Governors: 1753-1776
- Georgia: Colonial Governors: 1779-1782
- Georgia: Heads of Government: 1918-1921
- Georgia: Heads of State: 1990-2025
- Georgia: Polity Style: 1732-2025
- Georgia: Polity Style: 1918-1921
- Georgia: Polity Style: 1921-1990
- Georgia: Polity Style: 1990-2025
- Georgia: Presidents of the Province: 1743-1753
- Georgia: Presidents of the State: 1776-1777
- Georgia: Sources
- Georgia: Sources
- Georgia: State Governors: 1777-1778
- Georgia: State Governors: 1779-1865
- German Democratic Republic: Archontology
- German Democratic Republic: Heads of Government: 1949-1990
- German Democratic Republic: Heads of State: 1949-1990
- German Democratic Republic: Polity Style: 1949-1990
- German Democratic Republic: Sources
- Germany: Archontology
- Germany: Chairmen of the Central Council: 1918-1919
- Germany: Chairmen of the Executive Committee of Workers' and Soldiers' Council of Greater Berlin: 1918-1919
- Germany: Council of the People's Deputies: 1918-1919
- Germany: Emperors: 1871-1918
- Germany: Executive Council of the Workers' and Soldiers' Councils: 1918-1919
- Germany: Heads of Government: 1848-1849
- Germany: Heads of Government: 1867-1918
- Germany: Heads of Government: 1919-1945
- Germany: Heads of Government: 1949-2025
- Germany: Heads of State: 1919-1945
- Germany: Heads of State: 1949-2025
- Germany: Legislation
- Germany: Notes
- Germany: Polity Style: 1867-2025
- Germany: Presidency of the Confederation: 1867-1870
- Germany: Presidents of the National Constituent Assembly: 1848-1849
- Germany: Reich Regency: 1849
- Germany: Reich Vicar: 1848-1849
- Germany: Sources
- Ghana: Archontology
- Ghana: Governors-General: 1957-1960
- Ghana: Heads of State: 1957-1960
- Ghana: Heads of State: 1960-2025
- Ghana: Polity Style: 1957-2025
- Ghana: Sources
- Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry
- Gladstone, Herbert (viscount)
- GLADSTONE, William Ewart
- GLOUCESTER, Humphrey duke of (Protector of England)
- Gloucester, Richard duke of (Protector of England)
- GODERICH, viscount
- Goebbels, Joseph Paul
- Goguryeo: Archontology
- Goguryeo: King: 670-673
- Goguryeo: Kings: 105-668
- Goguryeo: Notes
- Goguryeo: Polity Style
- Goguryeo: Sources
- Gohier, Louis-Jérôme
- Gohier, Louis-Jérôme
- Gojoseon: Archontology
- Gojoseon: Kings: 195 BC-108 BC
- Gojoseon: Polity Style
- Gojoseon: Sources
- Gomes da Costa, Manuel
- Gorbačëv, Mihail
- Gorbačëv, Mihail
- Gorbačëv, Mihail
- Gorham, Nathaniel
- Goshen: Archontology
- Goshen: Heads of State: 1882-1885
- Goshen: Polity Style: 1882-1885
- Gouin, Félix
- Goulart, João Belchior Marques
- GRAFTON, 3rd duke of
- Gran Colombia: Archontology
- Gran Colombia: Heads of State: 1819-1831
- Gran Colombia: Polity Style: 1819-1831
- Gran Colombia: Sources
- Granada: Heads of State: 1821-1825
- Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Archontology
- Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Grand Duke: 1849-1859
- Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Grand Dukes: 1814-1849
- Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Polity Style: 1814-1860
- Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Provisional Governments: 1849
- Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Provisional Governments: 1859-1860
- Grant, Ulysses
- Great Britain: Heads of State: 1707-1801
- Greece: Archontology
- Greece: Heads of Government: 1862-1863
- Greece: Heads of Government: 1941-1944
- Greece: Heads of State: 1822-1833
- Greece: Heads of State: 1924-1935
- Greece: Heads of State: 1973-2025
- Greece: King: 1833-1862
- Greece: King: 1935-1941
- Greece: Kings and Regents: 1946-1973
- Greece: Kings: 1863-1924
- Greece: Polity Style: 1822-1833
- Greece: Polity Style: 1833-1924
- Greece: Polity Style: 1924-1935
- Greece: Polity Style: 1935-1941
- Greece: Polity Style: 1941-1944
- Greece: Polity Style: 1944-1973
- Greece: Polity Style: 1973-2025
- Greece: Presidents of the Political Committee for National Liberation: 1944
- Greece: Presidents of the Provisional Democratic Government: 1947-1949
- Greece: Provisional Authorities: 1944-1946
- Greece: Sources
- Grenada: Archontology
- Grenada: Governors-General: 1974-2025
- Grenada: Heads of State: 1974-2025
- Grenada: Polity Style: 1974-2025
- Grenada: Sources
- GRENVILLE, William Wyndham
- Grey, 4th earl (Canada)
- GREY, Charles
- Griffin, Cyrus
- Griffith, Arthur (Ó Gríobhtha, Art)
- GRIMSTON, Sir Harbottle
- Gromyko, Andrej
- Gronchi, Giovanni
- Grävell, Maximilian
- Grégoire, Henri
- Grégoire, Henri
- Grévy, Jules
- Grévy, Jules
- GUADET, Marguerite-Élie
- Guadet, Marguerite-Élie
- Guatemala: Archontology
- Guatemala: Heads of State: 1824-1839
- Guatemala: Heads of State: 1839-1922
- Guatemala: Heads of State: 1922-1958
- Guatemala: Heads of State: 1958-2025
- Guatemala: Polity Style: 1824-2025
- Guatemala: Sources
- Guayaquil: Archontology
- Guayaquil: Heads of State: 1820-1822
- Guayaquil: Polity Style: 1820-1822
- Guerrero, Vicente
- Guinea-Bissau: Archontology
- Guinea-Bissau: Heads of State: 1973-2025
- Guinea-Bissau: Polity Style: 1973-2025
- Guinea: Archontology
- Guinea: Heads of State: 1958-2025
- Guinea: Polity Style: 1958-2025
- Guinea: Sources
- Guyana: Archontology
- Guyana: Governors-General: 1966-1970
- Guyana: Heads of State: 1966-1970
- Guyana: Heads of State: 1970-2025
- Guyana: Official Gazette 1966-06-18
- Guyana: Polity Style: 1966-2025
- Guyana: Sources
- Gómez Farías, Valentín
- Gómez Pedraza, Manuel
Last update: 28 Mar 2025