HomeNationsGeorgiaChairman and Deputy Chairmen of the Constituent Assembly: 1919-1921

Georgia: Chairman and Deputy Chairmen of the Constituent Assembly: 1919-1921

During the absence of the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly (12 Mar 1919 - 19 Jan 1921) who departed on a diplomatic mission, the Deputy Chairmen of the Constituent Assembly exercised the functions of presiding officer.
Chairman of the Constituent Assembly:
Sakartvelos dampudznebeli k’rebis tavmjdomare (საქართველოს დამფუძნებელი კრების თავმჯდომარე) | Chairman of the Constituent Assembly of Georgia
12 Mar 1919 - 12 Mar 1919 Silibistro Besarionis dze Jibladze (სილიბისტრო ბესარიონის ძე ჯიბლაძე) (president by age) [1]
12 Mar 1919 - 17 Mar 1921 Nik’oloz K’arlo Simonis dze Chkheidze (ნიკოლოზ კარლო სიმონის ძე ჩხეიძე) [2][3]
Senior Deputy Chairman of the Constituent Assembly:
Sakartvelos dampudznebeli k’rebis tavmjdomaris uprosi amkhanagi (საქართველოს დამფუძნებელი კრების თავმჯდომარის უფროსი ამხანაგი) | Senior Deputy Chairman of the Constituent Assembly of Georgia
12 Mar 1919 - 17 Mar 1921 Aleksandre Sp’iridonis dze Lomtatidze (ალექსანდრე სპირიდონის ძე ლომთათიძე)
Deputy Chairmen of the Constituent Assembly:
Sakartvelos dampudznebeli k’rebis tavmjdomaris amkhanagi (საქართველოს დამფუძნებელი კრების თავმჯდომარის ამხანაგი) | Deputy Chairman of the Constituent Assembly of Georgia
18 Mar 1919 - 17 Mar 1921 Simon (Svimon) Gurgenis dze Mdivani (სიმონ (სვიმონ) გურგენის ძე მდივანი)
18 Mar 1919 - 17 Mar 1921 Ekvtime Simonis dze Taq’aishvili (ექვთიმე სიმონის ძე თაყაიშვილი)
  1. Jibladze presided at the inaugural session of the Constituent Assembly (12 Mar 1919) as the oldest deputy. At the same session, Chkheidze (in absentia) and Lomtatidze were elected to the offices of chairman and senior deputy chairman respectively. As Chkheidze had departed on a diplomatic mission, Lomtatidze took over the chairmanship of the Assembly.
  2. Pending the assumption of chairmanship of the Constituent Assembly, Chkheidze exercised the functions of diplomatic representation of Georgia abroad. After his return to Georgia, he participated in the meetings of the Presidium of the Constituent Assembly (5, 15 and 16 Jan 1921) and finally took chairmanship of the Constituent Assembly on 21 Jan 1921.
  3. The last meeting of the Constituent Assembly took place in Batumi, Georgia, apparently on 17 Mar 1921, but the date cannot be confirmed since the minutes were either not kept or were lost (Georgia Constituent Assembly Minutes 1919-1921, 8:xxiii, 8:333-334).