HomeNationsGeorgiaChairman of the Supreme Council: 1990

Georgia: Chairman of the Supreme Council: 1990

Sakartvelos sabch’ota sotsialist’uri resp’ublik’is uzenaesi sabch’os tavmjdomare (საქართველოს საბჭოთა სოციალისტური რესპუბლიკის უზენაესი საბჭოს თავმჯდომარე) | Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR
14 Nov 1990 - 14 Nov 1990 Zviad K'onst'ant'ines dze Gamsakhurdia (ზვიად კონსტანტინეს ძე გამსახურდია) [1]
  1. Gamsakhurdia was elected Chairman of the Supreme Council at the session held on 14 Nov 1990. He presided over the deliberations concerning the legislation for the transitional period, pending the restoration of national statehood. During the same meeting the Supreme Council passed a law changing the name of the state to the Republic of Georgia (Sakartvelos resp’ublik’a | საქართველოს რესპუბლიკა).