- Haase, Hugo
- Hainisch, Michael
- Haiti: Archontology
- Haiti: Heads of State: 1804-1820
- Haiti: Heads of State: 1806-1843
- Haiti: Heads of State: 1843-1859
- Haiti: Heads of State: 1858-1876
- Haiti: Heads of State: 1876-1902
- Haiti: Heads of State: 1902-1915
- Haiti: Heads of State: 1915-1986
- Haiti: Heads of State: 1986-2025
- Haiti: Polity Style: 1804-1820
- Haiti: Polity Style: 1806-2025
- Haiti: Sources
- HALIFAX, 1st Marquess of
- Han (State of): Archontology
- Han (State of): Rulers: 403-230 BC
- Han (State of): Sources
- Han: Archontology
- Han: Emperors: 202 BC-9 AD
- Han: Emperors: 23-220
- Han: Polity Style: 202 BC-220 AD
- Han: Polity Style: 202 BC-AD 220
- Han: Sources
- Hancock, John
- Hanson, John, Jr.
- Harding, Warren
- HAROLD (Godwinesson)
- Harold (Harefoot)
- Harrison, Benjamin
- Harrison, William Henry
- Harthacnut
- Hatay: Archontology
- Hatay: Head of State: 1938-1939
- Hatay: Polity Style: 1938-1939
- Hatay: Sources
- Haughey, Charles (Ó hEochaidh, Cathal)
- Hauser, Johann Nepomuk
- Hawaii: Archontology
- Hawaii: Notes
- Hawaii: Polity Style: 1810-2025
- Hawaii: President of the Provisional Government: 1893-1894
- Hawaii: President of the Republic: 1894-1900
- Hawaii: Rulers: 1810-1893
- Hawaii: Sources
- Hayes, Rutherford
- Heads of Government: 1849-1918
- Heads of State: 1806-1918
- Healy, Timothy Michael (Tadhg Ó hEaluithe)
- Heath, Edward
- Heinemann, Gustav
- Henri IV
- HENRY (the Young King)
- Henry III
- Henry Stewart (Lord Darnley)
- Herrera, José Joaquín de
- Hertling, Georg Friedrich von
- Herzog, Roman
- Hesse: Archontology
- Hesse: Heads of Government: 1946-2025
- Hesse: Polity Style: 1945-2025
- Hesse: Sources
- Heuss, Theodor
- Hillery, Patrick John (Pádraig Seán Ó hIrighile)
- Hindenburg, Paul von
- Hitler, Adolf
- Hitler, Adolf
- Hnatyshyn, Ramon
- Hodžaev, Fajzulla
- Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Chlodwig zu
- Hollande, François
- Honduras: Archontology
- Honduras: Heads of State: 1824-1840
- Honduras: Heads of State: 1841-1865
- Honduras: Heads of State: 1865-1903
- Honduras: Heads of State: 1903-1982
- Honduras: Heads of State: 1982-2025
- Honduras: Polity Style: 1824-2025
- Honduras: Sources
- Hoover, Herbert
- Huerta, Adolfo de la
- Huerta, Victoriano
- Hungary: Archontology
- Hungary: Governor-President: 1849
- Hungary: Governors: 1919-1945
- Hungary: Head of Government: 1849
- Hungary: Head of State: 1919
- Hungary: Heads of Government (Debrecen, Budapest): 1944-1946
- Hungary: Heads of Government (Szeged): 1919
- Hungary: Heads of Government: 1918-1919
- Hungary: Heads of Government: 1919-1944
- Hungary: Heads of State: 1946-2025
- Hungary: Kings and Queens: 1301-1526
- Hungary: Kings and Queens: 1570-1918
- Hungary: Kings: 1000-1301
- Hungary: National Ruling Council: 1945-1946
- Hungary: Notes
- Hungary: Polity Style: 1918-2025
- Hungary: President of the Committee of National Defence: 1848-1849
- Hungary: President of the Federal Central Executive Committee: 1919
- Hungary: President of the Revolutionary Governing Council: 1919
- Hungary: Presidents of the National Council: 1918-1919
- Hungary: Sources
- Huntington, Samuel
- Hyde, Douglas (Dubhghlas de hÍde)
- Hérault de Séchelles, Marie-Jean
Last update: 28 Mar 2025