- Taebong: Archontology
- Taebong: King: 901-918
- Taebong: Polity Style: 904-918
- Taebong: Sources
- Taft, William Howard
- Tajikistan: Archontology
- Tajikistan: Chairman of the Supreme Council: 1990
- Tajikistan: Chairmen of the Presidium of the Supreme Council: 1938-1990
- Tajikistan: Heads of State: 1991-2025
- Tajikistan: Polity Style: 1925-1991
- Tajikistan: Polity Style: 1991-2025
- Tajikistan: President of the Republic: 1990-1991
- Tajikistan: Sources
- TALLEYRAND, Charles-Maurice de
- Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de
- Tang: Archontology
- Tang: Emperors: 618-690
- Tang: Emperors: 705-907
- Tang: Polity Style: 618-907
- Tang: Sources
- Tanganyika: Archontology
- Tanganyika: Gazette 1962-01-12 Supplement
- Tanganyika: Governors-General: 1961-1962
- Tanganyika: Heads of State: 1961-1962
- Tanganyika: Heads of State: 1962-1964
- Tanganyika: Polity Style: 1961-1964
- Tanganyika: Sources
- Tanzania: Archontology
- Tanzania: Heads of State: 1964-2025
- Tanzania: Polity Style: 1964-2025
- Tanzania: Sources
- Taylor, Zachary
- Tegucigalpa: Archontology
- Tegucigalpa: Heads of State 1821-1824
- Tegucigalpa: Polity Style 1821-1824
- Teixeira Gomes, Manuel
- Tennessee: Archontology
- Tennessee: Polity Style: 1790-2025
- Tennessee: Sources
- Tennessee: State Governors: 1796-1863
- Tennessee: Territorial Governor: 1790-1796
- Texas: Archontology
- Texas: Governors: 1835-1836
- Texas: Polity Style: 1835-2025
- Texas: President of the Convention: 1836
- Texas: Presidents of the Republic: 1836-1846
- Texas: Sources
- Texas: State Governors: 1846-1865
- Thatcher, Margaret
- The Netherlands: Military Occupation: 1940-1945
- The Netherlands: Notes
- Thiers, Adolphe
- Thuriot, Jacques-Alexis
- TIKHONOV, Nikolaj Aleksandrovich
- Timor-Leste: Archontology
- Timor-Leste: Glossary
- Timor-Leste: Heads of State: 1975-1978
- Timor-Leste: Heads of State: 2002-2025
- Timor-Leste: Heads of the Administration: 1999-2002
- Timor-Leste: Polity Style: 1975-2025
- Timor-Leste: Sources
- Togo: Archontology
- Togo: Heads of State: 1956-2025
- Togo: Polity Style: 1956-2025
- Togo: Sources
- Tomás, Américo
- Tonga: Archontology
- Tonga: Heads of State: 1875-2025
- Tonga: Polity Style: 1875-2025
- Tonga: Sources
- Transcaucasia: Archontology
- Transcaucasia: Chairman of the Transcaucasian Commissariat: 1917-1918
- Transcaucasia: Chairman of the Transcaucasian Diet: 1918
- Transcaucasia: Chairmen of the Central Executive Council: 1923-1936
- Transcaucasia: Chairmen of the Council of People's Commissars: 1923-1936
- Transcaucasia: Chairmen of the Union Council: 1922-1923
- Transcaucasia: Heads of Government: 1918
- Transcaucasia: Polity Style: 1917-1918
- Transcaucasia: Polity Style: 1922-1936
- Transcaucasia: Sources
- Transkei: Archontology
- Transkei: Heads of State: 1976-1994
- Transkei: Polity Style: 1976-1994
- Transvaal: Administrators and Governor: 1877-1881
- Transvaal: Administrators and Governors: 1900-1910
- Transvaal: Polity Style: 1877-1910
- Treilhard, Jean-Baptiste
- TREILHARD, Jean-Baptiste
- TREILHARD, Jean-Baptiste
- TREILHARD, Jean-Baptiste
- Trinidad and Tobago: Archontology
- Trinidad and Tobago: Gazette 1962-11-02
- Trinidad and Tobago: Governors-General: 1962-1976
- Trinidad and Tobago: Heads of State: 1962-1976
- Trinidad and Tobago: Heads of State: 1976-2025
- Trinidad and Tobago: Polity Style: 1962-2025
- Trinidad and Tobago: Sources
- Trochu, Louis-Jules
- Truman, Harry
- Trump, Donald
- Tunisia: Archontology
- Tunisia: Heads of State: 1957-2025
- Tunisia: Polity Style: 1957-2025
- Tunisia: Rulers: 1705-1957
- Tunisia: Sources
- Tunja: Archontology
- Tunja: Heads of State: 1812
- Tunja: Polity Style: 1812
- Turkey: Archontology
- Turkey: Heads of State: 1923-2025
- Turkey: Polity Style: 1921-2025
- Turkey: Presidents of the Grand National Assembly: 1920-1923
- Turkey: Sources
- Turkmenistan: Archontology
- Turkmenistan: Chairman of the Supreme Council: 1990
- Turkmenistan: Chairmen of the Central Executive Committee: 1925-1938
- Turkmenistan: Chairmen of the Presidium of the Supreme Council: 1938-1990
- Turkmenistan: Heads of State: 1991-2025
- Turkmenistan: Polity Style: 1924-2025
- Turkmenistan: Polity Style: 1925-1991
- Turkmenistan: President of the Republic: 1990-1991
- Turkmenistan: Sources
- Tuscany (Grand Duchy of): Sources
- Tuvalu: Archontology
- Tuvalu: Governors-General: 1978-2025
- Tuvalu: Heads of State: 1978-2025
- Tuvalu: Polity Style: 1978-2025
- Tuvalu: Sources
- Tweedsmuir of Elsfield, baron
- Two Sicilies (Kingdom of the): Sources
- Tyler, John
Last update: 28 Mar 2025