HomeNationsTranscaucasiaChairman of the Transcaucasian Commissariat: 1917-1918

Transcaucasia: Chairman of the Transcaucasian Commissariat: 1917-1918

Predsedatel' Zakavkazskogo Komissariata (Председатель Закавказского Комиссариата) | Chairman of the Transcaucasian Commissariat
15/28 Nov 1917 - 13/26 Mar 1918 Evgenij Petrovič Gegečkori (Евгений Петрович Гегечкори) [1]
  1. Gegečkori was elected the Chairman of the Transcaucasian Commissariat on 14/27 Nov 1917. The order of appointment is dated 15/28 Nov 1917.