HomeNationsNamibiaPolity Style: 1990-2025

Namibia: Polity Style: 1990-2025

21 Mar 1990 the Republic of Namibia is recognized as a sovereign and independent state in accordance with an act passed by the Parlement (Parliament) of the Republic of South Africa (assented to on 20 Mar 1990; effective on 21 Mar 1990) (South Africa Government Gazette, No. 12372, 20 Mar 1990, pp. 1-5) [1]
21 Mar 1990 - Republic of Namibia

[1] Full title (Afrikaans): Om die onafhanklikheid van Namibië te erken; en om vir aangeleenthede wat daarmee in verband staan, voorsiening te maak (short title: Wet op die Erkenning van die Onafhanklikheid van Namibië, 1990); full title (English): Act to recognize the independence of Namibia; and to provide for matters connected therewith (short title: Recognition of the Independence of Namibia Act, 1990).