Abdullo Rahimbaev (Абдулло Рахимбаев)
b. Jun 1896, Khodzhent, Fergana valley, Turkestan, Russian Empire
d. 7 May 1938 |
Title: |
Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR (Председатель Центрального Исполнительного Комитета СССР) |
Term: |
4 Jan 1934 - Sep 1937 |
Chronology: |
4 Jan 1934, elected at the 4th session of the 6th Central Executive Committee [1] |
Sep 1937, ceased to exercise the duties of Chairman of the Central Executive Committee with arrest |
Names/titles: |
Russianized: Abdulla Rahimbaevič Rahimbaev (Абдулла Рахимбаевич Рахимбаев) |
Biography: |
Originated from the Uzbek merchant family, Abdullo Rahimbaev joined the Russian Communist Party in 1919 and headed the Khodzhent council. In 1919-1920 he served as a secretary of the Golodnaya Step' regional party committee, chairman of the Khodzhent regional party committee and chairman of the Samarkand provincial party committee of the Turkestan Communist Party. In 1920 Rahimbaev was elected chairman (Jun 1920 - Oct 1920) of the Central Executive Committee of the Turkestan Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic, but resigned the office as he was made a secretary of the Central Committee of the Turkestan Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Oct 1920 - Jun 1923). He also was a member of the board of the Russian SFSR commissariat for nationalities. In April 1922, the 11th party congress in Moscow elected him a candidate member of the Central Committee (1922-1923). Rahimbaev participated in regional armed conflicts as a member of the Revolutionary Council of the Turkestan front (May 1922 - Sep 1926). On 30 Dec 1922, Rahimbaev was one of the signatories of the Treaty of Union that created the Soviet Union. He lost his seat on the Central Committee at the 12th party congress (April 1923) to serve as a secretary of the Central Committee of the Bukharan Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Jul 1923 - Nov 1923) and second secretary of the Central Committee of the Turkestan Communist Party (1923-1924). After the creation of the Uzbek SSR, Rahimbaev became a secretary of the Central Committee of the Uzbekistan Communist Party (Dec 1923 - Dec 1925). Rahimbaev returned as a candidate member on the Russian Communist Party Central Committee for the period of May 1924 - Dec 1925, but at this point he was dismissed from all posts and sent to Moscow to study Marxism-Leninism (1926-1928). On his graduation, Rahimbaev held unimportant posts as chairman of the board in the Central Publishing House of the nationalities of the USSR (1928-1929) and chairman of the Soviet National Minorities Committee in the RSFSR commissariat for education (1929-1933). Rahimbaev's new political promotion occurred in 1933, when he replaced Abdurrakhim Khodzhibayev as chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of Tajikistan (28 Dec 1933 - Sep 1937). On 4 Jan 1934, the USSR Central Executive Committee elected Abdullo Rahimbaev one of its chairmen on place of the dismissed Nusratullo Maksum. In Sep 1937 Rahimbaev was arrested and sentenced to death on 7 May 1938 on charges of treason and terrorism. Biography source: [2, p. 491] |
[1] |
ГАРФ, ф. 3316, оп. 6, д. 201, л. 72. |
[2] |
Государственная власть СССР. Высшие органы власти и управления и их руководители. 1923-1991 гг. Историко-биографический справочник / Сост. В.И.Ивкин. М.: РОССПЭН, 1999, |
Image: Ogonjok (Огонёк), Special issue (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan), 1934, p. 43. |