Нусратулло Максум (Nusratullo Maksum)
b. 19 Jun/1 Jul 1881, Čošma Kubi, Garm region, Khanate of Bukhara
d. 31 Oct (or 1 Nov) 1937, near Moscow, USSR |
Title: |
Председатель Центрального Исполнительного Комитета СССР (Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR) |
Term: |
18 Mar 1931 - 4 Jan 1934 |
Chronology: |
18 Mar 1931, elected, 1st session of the 6th Central Executive Committee [1] |
4 Jan 1934, discharged, resolution passed by the 4th session of the 6th Central Executive Committee [2] |
Names/titles: |
Also called: Нусратулло Лутфулаев (Nusratullo Lutfulaev); spelled: Нусратулло/Нусратулла Максум (in Russian) |
Biography: |
Nusratullo Maksum left his home village in the age of 14 and became a worker in Kokand, where he joined the Russian Communist Party of Bolsheviks in December 1920 following anti-monarchist revolution in the Khanate of Bukhara. In 1921-1923 he chaired a committee for food procurement for the Red Army in the Garm region and became a representative of the Bukhara Central Executive Committee in the province of Eastern Bukhara. Later he joined the Bukharan Extraordinary Commission (secret police). In 1923-1924 Maksum worked as deputy chairman of the Garm revolutionary committee and chairman of the Garm province executive committee. In November 1924, Maksum was named chairman of the Revolutionary Committee, Tajik provisional government. When the committee was replaced with the permanent Central Executive Committee of the Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Maksum was elected its chairman (Dec 1926 - Sep 1929). When the status of Tajikistan as autonomous republic was changed to the Soviet Socialist Republic (Sep 1929), Maksum retained his post. He was elected one of the chairmen of the USSR Central Executive Committee on 18 Mar 1931, as representative of a new Soviet republic, Tajikistan. Moderate position of Maksum towards prosperous peasants during collectivization was condemned by the Politburo in Moscow (5 Dec 1933) and the Tajik Central Executive Committee dismissed Maksum and the Tajik premier Abdurrakhim Khodzhibayev for "anti-party and mostly anti-Soviet" policies (28 Dec 1933). It was followed by dismissal of Maksum and his replacement with Abdulla Rahimbaev in the office of Chairman of the USSR Central Executive Committee (4 Jan 1931). Maksum was sent to Moscow to study in the Planning Academy. In the summer of 1937 Maksum was arrested and sentenced to death for "participation in the counter-revolutionary nationalistic terrorist organization." Biography source: [3, p. 403] |
[1] |
Собрание законов и распоряжений Рабочего и Крестьянского правительства СССР, 1931, отд. 2, № 5, Ст. 56. |
[2] |
Собрание законов и распоряжений Рабочего и Крестьянского правительства СССР, 1934, отд. 1, № 2, Ст. 18. |
[3] |
Государственная власть СССР. Высшие органы власти и управления и их руководители. 1923-1991 гг. Историко-биографический справочник / Сост. В.И.Ивкин. М.: РОССПЭН, 1999, |