HomeNationsRomaniaHeads of State: 1862-1866

Romania: Heads of State: 1862-1866

Ruling House: Cuza-Voievod
Cu mila lui Dumnezeu și voința națională, Domn Principatelor Unite Române | By the Mercy of God and by the Will of the Nation, Lord of the United Romanian Principalities [1]
24 Jan/5 Feb 1862 - 11/23 Feb 1866 Alexandru Ioan I
Locotenența Domnească | Regency
11/23 Feb 1866 - 10/22 May 1866 Nicolae Constantin Golescu
11/23 Feb 1866 -12/24 Feb 1866 Dimitrie Alexandru Sturdza [2]
11/23 Feb 1866 - 10/22 May 1866 Nicolae Constantin Haralambie
12/24 Feb 1866 - 10/22 May 1866 Lascăr Ștefan Catargiu

[1] Originally Domn al Principatelor Unite, Ţara Românească şi Moldova (Lord of the United Principalities, Wallachia and Moldova) in Moldova and Wallachia; the style was replaced with Domn al Principatelor Unite (Lord of the United Principalities) after 14/26 Feb 1862, the date of abolition of the Central Commission for the United Principalities in accordance with a law promulgated on 14/26 Feb 1862 (Monitorul, No. 40, 21 Feb 1862, p. 161); eventually replaced with Domn al Principatelor Unite Române (Lord of the United Romanian Principalities) in 1863.
[2] Pending the assumption of office by Lascăr Ștefan Catargiu.