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Russia: Polity Style: 1917-1991

30 Oct/12 Nov 1917 the laws and orders are to be issued in the name of the Russian Republic in accordance with a decree of the Council of People's Commissars published on 30 Oct/12 Nov 1917 (Workers' and Peasants' Government Gazette, No. 2, 30 Oct/12 Nov 1917)
6/19 Jan 1918 the state of Russia is proclaimed the Russian Democratic Federative Republic (Rossijskaja Demokratičeskaja Federativnaja Respublika | Российская Демократическая Федеративная Республика) in accordance with a resolution passed by the All-Russian Constituent Assembly (Vserossijskoe Učreditelʹnoe sobranie | Всероссийское Учредительное собрание) at the meeting held on 6/19 Jan 1918 in Petrograd (Constituent Assembly Proceedings 1918, pp. 99-100) [1]
12/25 Jan 1918 Russia is proclaimed the republic of councils of workers', soldiers' and peasants' deputies, constituting a federation of Soviet national republics in accordance with a declaration approved by the All-Russian Congress of Councils on 12/25 Jan 1918 and 18/31 Jan 1918 (RSFSR Third Congress of Councils Proceedings 1918, pp. 43-44, 86-87, 90-92) [2]
12/25 Jan 1918 - 19 Jul 1918 Sovetskaja Rossijskaja Respublika (Советская Российская Республика) : Rossijskaja Socialističeskaja Sovetskaja Respublika (Российская Социалистическая Советская Республика) : Rossijskaja Socialističeskaja Federativnaja Sovetskaja Respublika (Российская Социалистическая Федеративная Советская Республика) : Rossijskaja Federativnaja Sovetskaja Respublika (Российская Федеративная Советская Республика) | Soviet Russian Republic : Russian Socialist Soviet Republic : Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic : Russian Federative Soviet Republic [3]
19 Jul 1918 the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (Konstitucija (Osnovnoj Zakon) Rossijskoj Socialističeskoj Federativnoj Sovetskoj Respubliki | Конституция (Основной Закон) Российской Социалистической Федеративной Советской Республики) is adopted by the All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers,' Soldiers', Peasants' and Cossacks' Deputies held on 10 Jul 1918 in Moscow, came into operation on publication on 19 Jul 1918 (RSFSR Fifth Congress of Councils Proceedings 1918, pp. 195, 214-215; Izvestija, No. 151, 19 Jul 1918, p. 3)
19 Jul 1918 - 5 Dec 1936 Rossijskaja Socialističeskaja Federativnaja Sovetskaja Respublika (Российская Социалистическая Федеративная Советская Республика) | Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic
29 Dec 1922 the Russian SFSR, Ukrainian SSR, Byelorussian SSR and Transcaucasian SFSR constituted a federation in accordance with the Declaration of the Creation of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics and the Treaty on the Creation of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics adopted by the plenipotentiaries of the Soviet republics at the conference held on 29 Dec 1922 in Moscow (Izvestija, No. 297, 30 Dec 1922, p. 1) [4]
30 Dec 1922 the Declaration and the Treaty on the Establishment of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics are approved by the Congress of Councils of the USSR held on 30 Dec 1922 in Moscow (USSR First Congress of Councils Proceedings 1922, pp. 4-12; USSR First Congress of Councils Resolutions 1922, pp. 3-7)
5 Dec 1936 the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic is named a constituent republic of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics in accordance with the Constitution (Basic Law) of the USSR (Konstitucija (Osnovnoj Zakon) Sojuza Sovetskih Socialističeskih Respublik | Конституция (Основной Закон) Союза Советских Социалистических Республик) adopted by the Extraordinary All-Union Congress of Councils on 5 Dec 1936 in Moscow (USSR Eighth Congress of Councils Proceedings 1936, Bulletin No. 12, pp. 38-39; USSR Eighth Congress of Councils Proceedings 1936, Constitution, pp. 1-20) [5]
5 Dec 1936 - 25 Dec 1991 Rossijskaja Sovetskaja Federativnaja Socialističeskaja Respublika (Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика) | Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
12 Jun 1990 the Russian SFSR is proclaimed a sovereign state in accordance with a declaration adopted by the Congress of People's Deputies (Sʺezd narodnyh deputatov | Съезд народных депутатов) of the Russian SFSR on 12 Jun 1990 in Moscow (RSFSR First Congress of People's Deputies 1990, 4:251-252; (RSFSR Supreme Council Records, No. 2, 14 Jun 1990, Art. 22) [6]
12 Dec 1991 the Treaty on the Creation of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics is annulled in accordance with a resolution passed by the Supreme Council (Verhovnyj Sovet | Верховный Совет) of the Russian SFSR on 12 Dec 1991 (RSFSR Supreme Council Records, No. 51, 19 Dec 1991, Art. 1799)
25 Dec 1991 the name of the state is changed to Rossijskaja Federacija (Rossija) in accordance with a law passed by the Supreme Council of the Russian SFSR on 25 Dec 1991 (RSFSR Supreme Council Records, No. 2, 9 Jan 1992, Art. 62)
  1. The Constituent Assembly held its only meeting during the night of 5/18-6/19 Jan 1918 and was prevented from holding further sessions. It was formally dissolved by a decree passed by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on 7/20 Jan 1918.
  2. Full title: Deklaracija prav trudjaščegosja i èkspluatiruemogo naroda (Декларация прав трудящегося и эксплуатируемого народа). It was originally adopted by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (3/16 Jan 1918), pending the approval by the Constituent Assembly (Učreditel'noe Sobranie|Учредительное Собрание). The Assembly refused to put it on agenda and was forcibly dissolved on 6/19 Jan 1918. The Congress of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies approved the declaration on 12/25 Jan 1918. After the Congress merged with that of the All-Russian Congress of Peasants' Deputies (13/26 Jan 1918), the declaration was voted and approved again on 18/31 Jan 1918.
  3. Sovetskaja Rossijskaja Respublika was the style used in the declaration of 12/25 Jan 1918.
  4. Full titles: Deklaracija ob obrazovanii Sojuza Sovetskih Socialističeskih Respublik (Декларация об образовании Союза Советских Социалистических Республик); Dogovor ob obrazovanii Sojuza Sovetskih Socialističeskih Respublik (Договор об образовании Союза Советских Социалистических Республик).
  5. The adoption of the Constitution of the USSR on 5 Dec 1936 mandated the change of the order of words in the polity style from Socialist... Soviet to Soviet... Socialist.
  6. Full title: Deklaracija o gosudarstvennom suverenitete Rossijskoj Sovetskoj Federativnoj Socialističeskoj Respubliki (Декларация о государственном суверенитете Российской Советской Федеративной Социалистической Республики).