HomeNationsChinaChina (Republic of)Heads of State (Nanjing, Chongqing): 1927-1948

Republic of China: Heads of State (Nanjing, Chongqing): 1927-1948

Guómín zhèngfǔ chángwù wěiyuán (國民政府常務委員) | Standing Committee of the National Government [1][2][3]
18 Apr 1927 - 20 Sep 1927 Hú Hànmín (胡漢民)
18 Apr 1927 - 20 Sep 1927 Gǔ Yīngfēn (古應芬)
18 Apr 1927 - 20 Sep 1927 Wǔ Cháoshū (伍朝樞)
18 Apr 1927 - 20 Sep 1927 Zhāng Rénjié (張人傑)
20 Sep 1927 - 7 Feb 1928 Cài Yuánpéi (蔡元培)
20 Sep 1927 - 7 Feb 1928 Tán Yánkǎi (譚延闓)
20 Sep 1927 - 7 Feb 1928 Lǐ Lièjūn (李烈鈞)
3 Jan 1928 - 7 Feb 1928 Jiǎng Zhōngzhèng (蔣中正)
Guómín zhèngfǔ zhǔxí (國民政府主席) | President of the National Government
7 Feb 1928 - 10 Oct 1928 Tán Yánkǎi (譚延闓) 
10 Oct 1928 - 15 Dec 1931 Jiǎng Zhōngzhèng (蔣中正) 
Dàilǐ guómín zhèngfǔ zhǔxí (代理國民政府主席) | Acting President of the National Government
15 Dec 1931 - 1 Jan 1932 Lín Sēn (林森)
Guómín zhèngfǔ zhǔxí (國民政府主席) | President of the National Government
1 Jan 1932 - 1 Aug 1943 Lín Sēn (林森) 
Dàilǐ guómín zhèngfǔ zhǔxí (代理國民政府主席) | Acting President of the National Government
1 Aug 1943 - 10 Oct 1943 Jiǎng Zhōngzhèng (蔣中正) 
Guómín zhèngfǔ zhǔxí (國民政府主席) | President of the National Government
10 Oct 1943 - 20 May 1948 Jiǎng Zhōngzhèng (蔣中正) 

[1] The members of the National Government, including four members of the Standing Committee, who were present in Nanjing constituted a de facto rival government (opposed to Hankou/Wuhan government). During the inauguration ceremony (18 Apr 1927), Nanjing was proclaimed the capital and the Committee of the National Government began to hold meetings on 19 Apr 1927. The National Government had no chairman, Hú Hànmín presided at most of the meetings of the Committee between 30 Apr 1927 and 10 Aug 1927.
[2] The members of the Standing Committee elected on 17 Sep 1927 (Wāng Zhàomíng | 汪兆銘 and Hú Hànmín | 胡漢民) did not attend the inauguration in Nanjing on 20 Sep 1927 and never took office before the election of new members on 7 Feb 1928. The National Government had no chairman, Tán Yánkǎi presided at most of the meetings of the Committee of the National Government.
[3] The members of the Standing Committee elected on 3 Jan 1928 (Sūn Kē | 孫科 and Lín Sēn | 林森) never took office before the election of new members on 7 Feb 1928. Jiǎng Zhōngzhèng, who had also been elected on 3 Jan 1928, arrived to Nanjing on 4 Jan 1928 and attended the meeting of the Committee of the National Government on 10 Jan 1928.