HomeNationsMontenegroPresident of the Presidency of the Anti-Fascist Assembly for the National Liberation: 1944-1945
Montenegro: President of the Presidency of the Anti-Fascist Assembly for the National Liberation: 1944-1945 |
Predsjednik Predsjedništva Crnogorske antifašističke skupštine narodnog oslobođenja (Предсједник Предсjедништва Црногорске антифашистичке скупштине народног ослобођења) | President of the Presidency of the Montenegrin Anti-Fascist Assembly for the National Liberation [1] | |
15 Jul 1944 - 15 Apr 1945 | Nikola Miljanić (Никола Миљанић) |
- The State Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Montenegro and Boka (Zemaljsko antifašističko vijeće narodnog oslobođenja Crne Gore i Boke| Земаљско антифашистичко вијеће народног ослобођења Црне Горе и Боке) was reconstituted as the Montenegrin Anti-Fascist Assembly for the National Liberation and recognized as the highest state authority of Montenegro in accordance with a resolution of the State Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Montenegro and Boka passed on 14 Jul 1944. The election of Miljanić and the members of the Presidency took place shortly before or after midnight of 15/16 Jul 1944.
Last update: 04 Feb 2025