HomeNationsMexicoHeads of StateHeads of State: 1824-1855

Mexico: Heads of State: 1824-1855

Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
10 Oct 1824 - 1 Apr 1829 Guadalupe Victoria
  full name (unconfirmed): José Miguel Antonio Ramón Adaucto Fernández y Félix
1 Apr 1829 - 20 Jan 1831 Vicente Guerrero [1]
  full name: Vicente Ramón Guerrero Saldaña
Supremo Poder Ejecutivo Provisional
23 Dec 1829 - 1 Jan 1830 Pedro Vélez
  full name: José Pedro Antonio Vélez y (de) Zúñiga
23 Dec 1829 - 1 Jan 1830 Lucas Alamán
  full name: Lucas Ignacio José Joaquín Pedro de Alcántara Juan Bautista Francisco de Paula Alamán y Escalada
23 Dec 1829 - 1 Jan 1830 Luis Quintanar
  full name: José Luis Quintanar y Soto
Vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, en ejercicio del Supremo Poder Ejecutivo
1 Jan 1830 - 26 Dec 1832 Anastasio Bustamante [2]
  full name: Trinidad Anastasio Francisco de Sales Ruiz de Bustamante y Oseguera
Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
26 Dec 1832 - 1 Apr 1833 Manuel Gómez Pedraza [3]
  full name: Manuel Gómez Pedraza y Rodríguez
Vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, en ejercicio del Supremo Poder Ejecutivo
1 Apr 1833 - 16 May 1833 Valentín Gómez Farías [4]
  full name: José María Valentín Gómez de la Vara y Martínez Farías
Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
1 Apr 1833 - 28 Jan 1835 Antonio López de Santa Anna [5]
  full name: Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón
Presidente Interino de la República Mexicana
28 Jan 1835 - 1 Mar 1836 Miguel Barragán [5]
  full name: Miguel Francisco Barragán Ortiz de Zarate
27 Feb 1836 - 19 Apr 1837 José Justo Corro [5]
  full name: José Justo Corro Silva
Presidente de la República Mexicana
19 Apr 1837 - 6 Oct 1841 Anastasio Bustamante 
6 Oct 1841 - 10 Oct 1841 office vacant
Presidente Provisional de la República Mexicana
10 Oct 1841 - 1 Feb 1844 Antonio López de Santa Anna 
Presidente Interino de la República Mexicana
1 Feb 1844 - 4 Jun 1844 Valentín Canalizo [4]
  full name: José Valentín Raimundo Canalizo Bocadillo
Presidente Constitucional de la República Mexicana
1 Feb 1844 - 21 May 1845 Antonio López de Santa Anna 
Presidente del Consejo de Gobierno, en ejercicio del Poder Ejecutivo de la República Mexicana [6]
6 Dec 1844 - 15 Dec 1844 José Joaquín de Herrera
  full name: José Joaquín Antonio Florencio de Herrera y Ricardos
Presidente Interino de la República Mexicana
15 Dec 1844 - 16 Sep 1845 José Joaquín de Herrera 
Presidente Constitucional de la República Mexicana
16 Sep 1845 - 30 Dec 1845 José Joaquín de Herrera 
30 Dec 1845 - 4 Jan 1846 position nonexistent
Presidente Interino de la República Mexicana
4 Jan 1846 - 4 Aug 1846 Mariano Paredes y Arrillaga 
  full name: José Mariano Epifanio Paredes y Arrillaga
Encargado (en ejercicio) del Supremo Poder Ejecutivo... de la República Mexicana /... de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
5 Aug 1846 - 24 Dec 1846 Mariano de Salas
  full name: José Mariano de Salas Barbosa
Vicepresidente Interino de la República Mexicana /... de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, en ejercicio del Supremo Poder Ejecutivo
24 Dec 1846 - 22 Mar 1847 Valentín Gómez Farías  [4]
Presidente Interino de la República Mexicana /... de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
24 Dec 1846 - 16 Sep 1847 Antonio López de Santa Anna 
16 Sep 1847 - 22 Sep 1847 office vacant [7]
Presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia, en ejercicio del Supremo Poder Ejecutivo de la Unión/... de la República de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos [10]
22 Sep 1847 - 12 Nov 1847 Manuel de la Peña y Peña
  full name: Manuel José María de la Peña y Peña
Presidente Interino de la República de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos/... de la República Mexicana
12 Nov 1847 - 8 Jan 1848 Pedro María Anaya
  full name: Pedro María Anaya y de Álvarez
Presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia, en ejercicio del Supremo Poder Ejecutivo de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos/ ... de la República de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos/ ... de la Unión/... de la República Mexicana
8 Jan 1848 - 15 May 1848 Manuel de la Peña y Peña 
Presidente Interino de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
15 May 1848 - 3 Jun 1848 Manuel de la Peña y Peña 
Presidente Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
3 Jun 1848 - 15 Jan 1851 José Joaquín de Herrera 
15 Jan 1851 - 6 Jan 1853 Mariano Arista
  full name: José Mariano Martín Buenaventura Ignacio Nepomuceno García de Arista y Nuez
Presidente Provisional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
6 Jan 1853 - 6 Jan 1853 Juan Bautista Ceballos [8]
  full name: Juan Bautista Loreto Mucio Francisco José de Asís de la Santísima Trinidad Ceballos Gómez Sañudo
Presidente Constitucional Interino de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos/... de la República Mexicana
6 Jan 1853 - 7 Feb 1853 Juan Bautista Ceballos 
Depositario del Supremo Poder Ejecutivo de la República Mexicana
7 Feb 1853 - 20 Apr 1853 Manuel María Lombardini
  full name: Manuel Apolinario José María Ignacio Antonio Lombardini de la Torre
Presidente de la República Mexicana
20 Apr 1853 - 12 Aug 1855 Antonio López de Santa Anna 
12 Aug 1855 - 15 Aug 1855 office vacant [9]
Presidente Interino de la República Mexicana
15 Aug 1855 - 12 Sep 1855 Martín Carrera
  full name: Antonio Martín Mariano Julio Carrera Sabat
  1. Guerrero was absent from the national capital since 18 Dec 1829 where an interim government representing him was overthrown 23 Dec 1829. He was formally proclaimed unfit to exercise the functions of office (effective 4 Feb 1830), but continued in dissidence to 20 Jan 1831.
  2. Ostensibly acting for the absent Guerrero to 4 Feb 1830.
  3. Gómez Pedraza was recognised as President of the United Mexican States by an agreement signed at Zabaleta (Convenio de Zabaleta) by the representatives of Bustamante, Santa Anna and Gómez Pedraza, and took the oath of office in Puebla on 26 Dec 1832. Melchor Múzquiz who served as Interim President during the absence of Bustamante from the capital (14 Aug 1832 - 27 Dec 1832) refused to honor the agreement, but was forced to relinquish the presidential functions as a result of the mutiny of the garrision of Mexico City (27 Dec 1832).
  4. Pending the taking office by Antonio López de Santa Anna.
  5. Santa Anna was granted the leave of absence (26 Jan 1835) and retired to his estate, but took command of the army sent to quell the rebellion in Texas where he was captured and became a prisoner of war (22 Apr 1836). Barragán was elected by the Chamber of Deputies (27 Jan 1835) and took the oath of office (28 Jan 1835), serving as substitute during the absence of Santa Anna. When Barragán became terminally ill, the Congress elected Corro (27 Feb 1836) who took the oath office on the same day, continung on office after the death of Barragán (1 Mar 1836). Santa Anna also continued in office as the President of the United Mexican States during his retirement and military campaign, claiming the right to represent Mexico during his captivity by signing international treaties with Texas. The Congress of the Mexican Republic passed a resolution (22 Feb 1837) including a clause retroactively putting an end to the term of Santa Anna (30 Dec 1836), but Corro refused to promulgate it.
  6. Also in official use: Presidente Constitucional del Consejo de Gobierno, encargado del poder ejecutivo de la República; Presidente del Consejo de Gobierno, en ejercicio del Supremo Poder Ejecutivo; Presidente del Consejo, en ejercicio del Supremo Poder Ejecutivo por ministerio de la ley. After his election to the office of Interim President of the Republic (7 Dec 1844) and before swearing-in (15 Dec 1844), he was already styled Presidente Interino de la República Mexicana in official documents.
  7. The executive appointed 16 Sep 1847 by the resigning Presidente interino and composed of Manuel de la Peña y Peña (Presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia, ex officio), José Joaquín de Herrera, and Lino José Alcorta Ulloa did not take office.
  8. From 01:00 6 Jan 1853 acting for the absent incumbent (Arista) whose resignation was accepted by the Congreso General during the sessions of the chambers on 6 Jan 1853. Ceballos was elected Presidente Interino and sworn in at 19:30 6 Jan 1853.
  9. The resignation of Santa Anna was communicated to a meeting of military and civic leaders of Mexico City 13 Aug 1855 which agreed to appoint a junta for the election of an Interim President. Carrera was elected 14 Aug 1855 and sworn in 15 Aug 1855.