HomeNationsUkraineChairman of the People's Secretariat: 1917-1918

Ukraine: Chairman of the People's Secretariat: 1917-1918

Narodnyj Sekretariat (Народний Секретаріат) = Narodnyj Sekretariat (Народный Секретариат) | People's Secretariat [1]
17/30 Dec 1917 - 4 Mar 1918  
Holova Narodnoho sekretariatu (Голова Народного секретаріату) = Predsedatel' Narodnogo Sekretariata (Председатель Народного Секретариата) | Chairman of the People's Secretariat
4 Mar 1918 - 18 Apr 1918 Mykola Oleksijovyč Skrypnyk (Микола Олексійович Скрипник) = Nikolaj Alekseevič Skrypnik (Николай Алексеевич Скрыпник) [2]
  1. The members of the People's Secretariat were elected by the Central Executive Committe on 15/28 Dec 1917, but the election was nullified and new members were elected on 17/30 Dec 1917. The office of Chairman of the People's Secretariat was left vacant, the People's Secretary for Internal Affairs (Ukrainian: Narodnyj sekretar vnutrišnix sprav | Народний секретар внутрішніх справ; Russian: Narodnyj sekretar' vnutrennih del | Народный секретарь внутренних дел) Jevhenija Bohdanivna (Hotlibivna) Boš (Євгенія Богданівна (Готлібівна) Бош) was entrusted with the coordination of work.
  2. The Central Executive Committee and the People's Secretariat left Yekaterinoslav on 21 Mar 1918 and moved to Taganrog located on the territory claimed by the Don Soviet Republic, part of the Russian SFSR. Acting as the branches of a government-in-exile, the Central Executive Committee and the People's Secretariat were dissolved on 18 Apr 1918 and replaced with a bureau for coordination of uprising against the Central Rada and the occupation authorities of Germany (Russian: Vseukrainskoe bjuro dlja rukovodstva povstančeskoj borʹboj protiv nemeckih okkupantov | Всеукраинское бюро для руководства повстанческой борьбой против немецких оккупантов). The bureau was forced to flee to Russia in late April 1918.