HomeNationsAzerbaijanPolity Style: 1918-1920

Azerbaijan: Polity Style: 1918-1920

28 May 1918 the territory of East and South Transcaucasia is proclaimed an independent state in the form of a "people's republic" in accordance with a declaration adopted by the Azerbaijani National Council (Azǝrbaycan Şurayi-Millisi) at the session held in Tiflis (now Tbilisi, Georgia) on 28 May 1918 (Azerbaijani National Council Proceedings, pp. 60, 61-63) [1]
17 Jun 1918 a provisional government is established on part of the territory claimed by the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with a resolution approved by the Azerbaijani National Council at the session held in Elizavetpol (now Ganja, Azerbaijan) (Azerbaijani National Council Proceedings, pp. 71-78)
17 Jun 1918 - 27 Apr 1920 Azərbaycan Cümhuriyyəti | Republic of Azerbaijan [2][3]
27 Apr 1920 the state authority is surrendered to the Azerbaijan Communist Party in accordance with a resolution approved by the Parliament (Məclisi-Məbusan) at the session held on 27 Apr 1920 in Baku (Azerbaijan Parliament Proceedings 1918-1920, 2:417-420)
  1. At the time of the proclamation of independence, the territory claimed by the National Council was largely controlled by the Baku Council of People's Commissars, an autonomous government that recognized the superior authority of the Russian SFSR.
  2. Original spelling (Azerbaijani Arabic-based alphabet):
    آذربایجان جمهوریتی (modern Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan Cümhuriyyəti)
  3. The original text of the declaration of independence was written in Azerbaijani using an Arabic-based script and referred to the polity as آذربایجان خلق جمهوریتی (modern Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti), literally "Azerbaijan People's Republic," but the instances of official use of this name in contemporary documents are very limited.
    The most common term used in legislation printed in the Azerbaijan newspaper and the Azerbaijan Laws and Decrees Collection was the Republic of Azerbaijan (modern Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan Cümhuriyyəti), officially translated to Russian as Азербайджанская Республика (Azerbajdžanskaja Respublika). The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic is a term widely used in historical literature, probably stemming from the translation of original name in diplomatic documents.