HomeNationsYugoslaviaRegency: 1945

Yugoslavia: Regency: 1945

Kraljevski namesnici (Краљевски намесници) sr-l, cr (sr-c) = Kraljevski namestniki sl = Kralski namesnici (Кралски намесници) mk-l (mk-c) | Royal Regents [1]
5 Mar 1945 - 29 Nov 1945 Srđan Budisavljević (Срђан Будисављевић) sr-l, cr (sr-c) = Srdjan Budisavljević sl = Srđan Budisavljević (Срѓан Будисављевиќ) mk-l (mk-c)
5 Mar 1945 - 29 Nov 1945 Ante Mandić (Анте Мандић) sr-l, cr, sl (sr-c) = Ante Mandić (Анте Мандиќ) mk-l (mk-c)
5 Mar 1945 - 29 Nov 1945 Dušan Sernec (Душан Сернец) sr-l, cr, si, mk-l (sr-c) [2]
  1. King Petar II, legally barred from returning to Yugoslavia from exile, delegated his functions to a three-member regency appointed by royal decree on 2 Mar 1945; the regents took their oath of office on 5 Mar 1945, serving as the king's representatives until the proclamation of the people's republic on 29 Nov 1945.
  2. Also in Slovenia.