HomeNationsUzbekistanPolity Style: 1991-2024

Uzbekistan: Polity Style: 1991-2024

31 Aug 1991 the state independence of Uzbekistan and the establishment of the Republic of Uzbekistan are proclaimed in accordance with a statement approved by the resolution of the Supreme Council (Oliy Soveti | Олий Совети) of the Uzbek SSR on 31 Aug 1991 (Oʻzbekiston ovozi, No. 173, 5 Sep 1991, p. 1; Pravda Vostoka, No. 173, 5 Sep 1991, p. 1)
31 Aug 1991 - Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi (Ўзбекистон Республикаси) | Republic of Uzbekistan
31 Aug 1991 the Republic of Uzbekistan is proclaimed an independent democratic state in accordance with a law passed by the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 31 Aug 1991 (Oʻzbekiston ovozi, No. 173, 5 Sep 1991, p. 1; Pravda Vostoka, No. 173, 5 Sep 1991, p. 1; Supreme Council Records, 1991, No. 11, Art. 246) [1][2]
  1. Full title (Uzbek): Oʻzbekiston Respublikasining Davlat mustaqilligi asoslari toʻgʻrisida (Ўзбекистон Республикасининг Давлат мустақиллиги асослари тўғрисида) ; (Russian): Ob osnovah gosudarstvennoj nezavisimosti Respubliki Uzbekistan (Об основах государственной независимости Республики Узбекистан).
  2. The law of 31 Aug 1991 was given the status of a constituional law in accordance with a law passed by the Supreme Council on 30 Sep 1991 (Supreme Council Records, 1991, No. 11, Art. 268). A law passed by the Supreme Council on 30 Sep 1991 also provided for the amendments to the Constitution of 1978, replacing the former polity style with Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi (Supreme Council Records, 1991, No. 11, Art. 273).