HomeNationsUzbekistanPolity Style: 1925-1991

Uzbekistan: Polity Style: 1925-1991

17 Oct 1924 the partition of the Turkestan ASSR and creation of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (as part of the Uzbek SSR), Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic and Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Oblast (as part of the Russian SFSR) is supported by a resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics adopted on 17 Oct 1924 (USSR Laws and Orders Collection - Part I, No. 19, 24 Nov 1924, Art. 187, pp. 255-256)
17 Feb 1925 the establishment of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic as a member state of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is proclaimed in accordance with a declaration passed by the All-Uzbek Congress of Councils held in Bukhara on 17 Feb 1925 (All-Uzbek Congress of Councils 1925, 78, 104-106)
17 Feb 1925 - 31 Aug 1991 Oʻzbekiston Ijtimoiy Sho‘ro Jumhuriyati : Oʻzbekiston Sovet Sotsialistik Respublikasi (Ўзбекистон Ижтимоий Шўро Жумҳурияти : Ўзбекистон Совет Социалистик Республикаси) = (to 21 Oct 1989) Uzbekskaja Sovetskaja Socialističeskaja Respublika (Узбекская Советская Социалистическая Республика) | Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic [1]
13 May 1925 the Uzbek SSR is admitted to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in accordance with a resolution passed by the Congress of Councils of the USSR held on 13 May 1925 (USSR Laws and Orders Collection - Part I, No. 35, 6 Jun 1925, p. 538)
21 Oct 1989 Uzbek is recognized as the state language in accordance with a law passed by the Supreme Council (Oliy Soveti | Олий Совети) of the Uzbek SSR on 21 Oct 1989, effective on the date of passing as prescribed by a resolution of the Supreme Council of 21 Oct 1989 (Sovet Oʻzbekistoni, No. 244-245, 24 Oct 1989, pp. 1, 3; Pravda Vostoka, No. 243-244, 24 Oct 1989, pp. 1, 4; Uzbek SSR Supreme Council Records, 1989, No. 26-28, Art. 453, 455) [1]
20 Jun 1990 the sovereignty of the Uzbek SSR is proclaimed in accordance with a declaration passed by the Supreme Council of the Uzbek SSR on 20 Jun 1990 (Sovet Oʻzbekistoni, No. 141, 22 Jun 1990, p. 1; Pravda Vostoka, No. 141, 22 Jun 1990, p. 1)
31 Aug 1991 the state independence of Uzbekistan and the establishment of the Republic of Uzbekistan are proclaimed in accordance with a statement approved by the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Uzbek SSR on 31 Aug 1991 (Oʻzbekiston ovozi, No. 173, 5 Sep 1991, p. 1; Pravda Vostoka, No. 173, 5 Sep 1991, p. 1)
  1. Original spelling: Ɵzʙekistan Ьçtьmaьj Şora Çymhyrijəti (Uzbek Latin-based alphabet, 1929-1940)
  2. Full title (Uzbek): Oʻzbekiston SSR Davlat tili haqida (Ўзбекистон ССР Давлат тили ҳақида); (Russian): O gosudarstvennom jazyke Uzbekskoj SSR (О государственном языке Узбекской ССР).