Файзулла Ходжаев (Fajzulla Hodžaev)
b. 1896, Bukhara, Khanate of Bukhara
d. 15 Mar 1938, near Moscow, USSR |
Title: |
Председатель Центрального Исполнительного Комитета СССР (Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR) |
Term: |
21 May 1925 - after 17 Jun 1937 |
Chronology: |
21 May 1925, elected, 1st session of the 3rd Central Executive Committee [1] |
17 Jun 1937 [2, pp. 11, 575] or 9 Jul 1937 [3], ceased to exercise the duties of Chairman of the Central Executive Committee with arrest |
Names/titles: |
Файзулла Ходжаогли (Fajzulla Hodžaoghli); spelled in Russian: Файзулла Убайдуллаевич (Губайдуллаевич) Ходжаев [Fajzulla Ubajdullaevič (Gubajdullaevič) Khodzhayev]; in Uzbek: Fayzulla Xo'jayev |
Biography: |
Fayzulla Khodzhayev emerged as a leader of the Young Bukharans party in 1916-1920, which opposed the Bukharan emir and succeeded in overthrowing the regime with the help of the Soviet troops on 2 Sep 1920. Shortly before the coup d'état 24-year-old Khodzhayev, who had joined the Russian Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1920, was named chairman of the provisional government. He headed the government of Bukharan People's Soviet Republic (Sep 1920 - Dec 1924) until this nation was absorbed into the Uzbek SSR in 1924. Khodzhayev was appointed chairman of the Uzbek SSR Council of People's Commissars on 17 Feb 1925. As Uzbekistan joined the Soviet Union, Khodzhayev was named one of the chairmen of the USSR Central Executive Committee (21 May 1925). Khodzhayev held the key posts in the Uzbek government and local Bolsheviks party until the wave of political purges swept over the Uzbek SSR. The Seventh Congress of the Uzbek Communist Party of Bolsheviks proclaimed Khodzhayev "people's enemy". He was dismissed from all party and state posts in Uzbekistan (17 Jun 1937) and was arrested (17 Jun 1938 or 9 Jul 1938). In March 1938 Khodzhayev was a defendant in the public purge trial along with the top leaders of the Bolshevik revolution Nikolaj Buharin, Aleksej Rykov and other prominent Communists. He was accused of nationalistic conspiracy aimed at overthrowing Soviet power in Uzbekistan. Khodzhayev was found guilty and sentenced to death on 13 Mar 1938. Biography source: [2, pp. 574-575] |
[1] |
1 сессия ЦИК СССР III созыва. Стенографический отчет. М., 1925, с. 15. |
[2] |
Государственная власть СССР. Высшие органы власти и управления и их руководители. 1923-1991 гг. Историко-биографический справочник / Сост. В.И.Ивкин. М.: РОССПЭН, 1999, |
[3] |
ЦА ФСБ, ф. 7 (web site). |