HomeNationsUnited StatesMarylandPolity Style: 1632-2024

Maryland: Polity Style: 1632-2024

20/30 Jun 1632 organised as a proprietary colony by the Charter granted by King Charles I [Bacon's Laws of Maryland]
20/30 Jun 1632 - 8 Nov 1776 Province of Maryland
24 Jun 1776 proprietary government ceased to exist upon the departure of the last colonial Governor
4 Jul 1776 the British colonies represented in the Continental Congress are proclaimed "free and independent states" in accordance with a declaration approved by the Congress on 4 Jul 1776, session of the Congress, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Journals of the Continental Congress, 5:510-515)
6 Jul 1776 allegiance to the King of Great Britain is rejected by a declaration of the delegates (resolution on entering the declaration into the journals is passed by the Convention of the Delegates of Maryland 6 Jul 1776) [Maryland Conventions 1774-1776, 201]
8 Nov 1776 the Constitution and Form of Government is approved, session of the Convention of the Delegates of Maryland [Maryland Conventions 1774-1776, 349]
8 Nov 1776 - State of Maryland [1]
2 Feb 1781 the delegates of Maryland to the Continental Congress are authorized to sign the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union in accordance with an act passed by the House of Delegates 30 Jan 1781, passed by the Senate 2 Feb 1781, and signed into law by the Governor 2 Feb 1781 (Maryland House Journal, 1780, October Session, 111; Maryland Senate Journal, 1780, October Session, 51-52; Maryland Session Laws, 1780, October, Chap. XL; Journals of the Continental Congress, 19:138-140) [2]
1 Mar 1781 the delegates of Maryland to the Continental Congress signed the ratification of the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, session of the Continental Congress, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Journals of the Continental Congress, 19:213)
1 Mar 1781 formed part of the United States upon the taking effect of the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union (Journals of the Continental Congress, 19:213-223)

[1] The Constitution of 1776 did not explicitly change the name to the State of Maryland, but included these words in the oath of allegiance (Art. 55) and required that all public commissions and grants should be titled "The State of Maryland, &c." (Art. 57); the change is also reflected in the journals of the Council of Safety (title of the volume starting 6 Jul 1776: "At a Meeting of the Council of Safety for the Province of Maryland at the City of Annapolis on Saturday the Sixth Day of July 1776"; volume starting 12 Nov 1776: "At a Meeting of the Council of Safety of the State of Maryland at the City of Annapolis on Tuesday the twelfth of November Anno Domini 1776.")
[2] Full title: An act to empower the delegates of this State in Congress to subscribe and ratify the Articles of Confederation