HomeNationsUkraineHeads of Government: 1917-1918

Ukraine: Heads of Government: 1917-1918

Holova Heneralʹnoho sekretariatu (Голова Генерального секретаріату) | Chairman of the General Secretariat
15/28 Jun 1917 - 13/26 Aug 1917 Volodymyr Kyrylovyč Vynnyčenko (Володимир Кирилович Винниченко)
14/27 Aug 1917 - 18/31 Aug 1917 Dmytro Ivanovyč Dorošenko (Дмитро Іванович Дорошенко) [1]
21 Aug/3 Sep 1917 - 12/25 Jan 1918 Volodymyr Kyrylovyč Vynnyčenko (Володимир Кирилович Винниченко)  [2]
Holova Rady narodnyx ministriv (Голова Ради народних міністрів) | Chairman of the Council of People's Ministers
12/25 Jan 1918 - 18/31 Jan 1918 Volodymyr Kyrylovyč Vynnyčenko (Володимир Кирилович Винниченко)  [3]
18/31 Jan 1918 - 16/29 Apr 1918 Vsevolod Oleksandrovyč Holubovyč (Всеволод Олександрович Голубович) [3]
  1. The list of members of the General Secretariat, including Dorošenko as Chairman, was accepted by voting at the meeting of the Little Rada (Mala Rada|Мала Рада) on 14/27 Aug 1917, but before it was formally approved and sent to the Provisional Government of Russia for approval Dorošenko refused (18/31 Aug 1917) to accomplish the task of forming the secretariat.
  2. The list of members of the General Secretariat, including Vynnyčenko as Chairman, was accepted by voting at the meeting of the Little Rada (Mala Rada|Мала Рада) on 19 Aug/1 Sep 1917. The list was formally approved on 21 Aug/3 Sep 1917 and sent to the Provisional Government of Russia for approval. Acting on the submitted list, the Provisional Government appointed the members of the General Secretariat on 31 Aug/13 Sep 1917, but not the chairman.
  3. The resignation of the Council of People's Ministers was handed to the Chairman of the Central Rada by Vynnyčenko on 15/28 Jan 1918 and submitted at the session of the Central Rada of 18/31 Jan 1918. It was acknowledged and the new Council, including Holubovyč as Chairman, was approved by voting on the same day.