Primary sources:
- Ibn Abī al-Ḍiyāf. "Presenting Contemporaries the History of Rulers of Tunis and the Fundamental Pact", by Aḥmad ibn Abī al-Ḍiyāf (Itḥāf ahl al-zamān bi-akhbār mulūk Tūnis wa-ʿahd al-ʿamān, إتحاف أهل الزمان بأخبار ملوك تونس وعهد الأمان) (Tunis: 1963-1966), 8 vols. (web site: vols. 3-4, 7-8)
- Correspondance des Beys de Tunis et des consuls de France. "Correspondance des Beys de Tunis et des consuls de France avec la cour, 1577-1830", ed. by Eugène Plantet (Paris, F. Alcan, 1893-1899), 3 vols. (web site: vol. 1. 1577-1700; vol. 2. 1700-1770; vol. 3. 1770-1830)
- Tunisia Official Gazette (Arabic). al-Rāʾid al-Tūnisī (الرائد التونسي) (No. 1, 22 Jul 1860 - No. 16, 25 Feb 1928) || al-Rāʾid al-Rasmī al-Tūnisī (الرائد الرسمي التونسي) (No. 17, 29 Feb 1928 - No. 59, 23 Jul 1957) || al-Rāʾid al-Rasmī al-Jumhūriyya al-Tūnisiyya (الرائد الرسمي للجمهورية التونسية) (from No. 1, 26 Jul 1957) (web site: 1860-1951; 1956-2025)
- Tunisia Official Gazette (French). Journal Officiel Tunisien (No. 1, ? ? 1883 - No. 59, 23 Jul 1957) || Journal Officiel de la République Tunisienne (from No. 1, 26 Jul 1957) (web site: 1956-2018)
Secondary sources:
- Maksudoğlu (1986). "Tunusʾun Osmanlı Devletinden Ayrılması", by Mehmet Maksudoğlu in Marmara Üniversitesi İlâhiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 4:137-169 (web site).
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- Rousseau (1864). "Annales tunisiennes: ou, Aperçu historique sur la régence de Tunis", by Alphonse Rousseau (Algiers: Bastide, 1864) (web site)