HomeNationsSyriaHeads of State: 1949-1958

Syria: Heads of State: 1949-1958

al-Qāʾid al-ʿĀmm lil-Jaysh wa-al-Quwá al-Musallaḥah (القائد العام للجيش والقوى المسلحة) | Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Armed Forces
30 Mar 1949 - 26 Jun 1949 Ḥusnī bin al-Shaykh Riḍā al-Zaʿīm (حسني بن الشيخ رضا الزعيم)
Raʾīs al-Jumhūrīyah al-Sūrīyah (رئيس الجمهورية السورية) | President of the Syrian Republic
26 Jun 1949 - 14 Aug 1949 Ḥusnī bin al-Shaykh Riḍā al-Zaʿīm (حسني بن الشيخ رضا الزعيم) 
al-Qāʾid al-ʿĀmm lil-Jaysh wa-al-Quwá al-Musallaḥah (القائد العام للجيش والقوى المسلحة) | Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Armed Forces
14 Aug 1949 - 15 Aug 1949 Muḥammad Sāmī Ḥilmī Ḥinnawī (محمد سامي حلمي حناوي)
Raʾīs Majlis al-Wuzarāʾ (رئيس مجلس الوزراء) | President of the Council of Ministers
15 Aug 1949 - 14 Dec 1949 Muḥammad Hāshim Beg bin Muḥammad Khālid al-Atāsī (محمد هاشم بك بن محمد خالد الأتاسي)  [1]
Raʾīs al-Dawlah (رئيس الدولة) | Head of State
14 Dec 1949 - 5 Sep 1950 Muḥammad Hāshim Beg bin Muḥammad Khālid al-Atāsī (محمد هاشم بك بن محمد خالد الأتاسي)  [2]
Raʾīs al-Jumhūrīyah al-Sūrīyah (رئيس الجمهورية السورية) | President of the Syrian Republic
5 Sep 1950 - 2 Dec 1951 Muḥammad Ḥāshim Beg bin Muḥammad Khālid al-Atāsī (محمد هاشم بك بن محمد خالد الأتاسي) 
Raʾīs al-Arkān al-ʿĀmmah, Raʾīs al-Majlis al-ʿAskarī al-Aʿlá (رئيس الأركان العامة ، رئيس المجلس العسكري الاعلى) | Chairman of the General Staff, President of the Supreme Military Council
2 Dec 1951 - 3 Dec 1951 Adīb bin al-Ḥasan al-Shīshaklī (أديب بن الحسن الشيشكلي)
Raʾīs al-Dawlah (رئيس الدولة) | Head of State
3 Dec 1951 - 11 Jul 1953 Fawzī Silū (فوزي سلو)
Raʾīs al-Jumhūrīyah (رئيس الجمهورية) | President of the Republic
11 Jul 1953 - 26 Feb 1954 Adīb bin al-Ḥasan al-Shīshaklī (أديب بن الحسن الشيشكلي) 
Raʾīs al-Majlis al-Nūwāb (رئيس مجلس النواب) | President of the Chamber of Deputies (ex officio)
26 Feb 1954 - 28 Feb 1954 Maʾmūn bin Shafīq al-Kuzbarī (مأمون بن شفيق الكزبري)
Raʾīs al-Jumhūrīyah (رئيس الجمهورية) | President of the Republic
28 Feb 1954 - 6 Sep 1955 Muḥammad Hāshim Beg bin Muḥammad Khālid al-Atāsī (محمد هاشم بك بن محمد خالد الأتاسي) 
6 Sep 1955 - 22 Feb 1958 Shukrī bin Maḥmūd al-Qūwatlī (شكري بن محمود القوتلي) 
  1. Appointed by a decree issued by the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Armed Forces on 14 Aug 1949. The ceremony of the transfer of executive authority was held in Damascus on 15 Aug 1949.
  2. Elected by the Constituent Assembly on 14 Dec 1949 and began to exercise the functions of office before the swearing-in which was delayed and took place on 7 Jan 1950.