Slovenia: Polity Style: 1929-2024 |
1 Dec 1918 |
part of Yugoslavia |
4 Oct 1929 |
Dravska banovina created in accordance with the Law on the Name and Division of the Kingdom in Administrative Areas [1] |
4 Oct 1929 - 17 Apr 1941 |
Dravska banovina | Drava Banate |
17 Apr 1941 |
capitulation of Yugoslav forces and collapse of central government, polity dissolved and partially annexed by foreign intervention; Slovenian lands are divided between Germany, Italy and Hungary |
19 Feb 1944 |
Slovene National Liberation Council (Slovenski narodnoosvobodilni svet) is constituted as the highest legislative and executive authority of Slovenia as part of Yugoslavia in accordance with a declaration of the National Liberation Council passed on 19 Feb 1944 in Črnomelj (Slovenski poročevalec, No. 4, March 1944, pp. 3-4; Prvo zasedanje Slovenskega narodnega osvobodilnega sveta : Sklepi in odloki. Izdalo Predsedstvo SNOS, 1945, p. 11) |
19 Feb 1944 - 31 Jan 1946 |
Slovenija | Slovenia [2] |
3 May 1945 |
proclamation of Narodna država Slovenija as part of Yugoslavia by an assembly convened in Ljubljana [3] |
3 May 1945 - 9 May 1945 |
Narodna država Slovenija | National State of Slovenia |
9 May 1945 |
government of Narodna država Slovenija collapsed |
31 Jan 1946 |
name of the state is defined in accordance with Art. 2 of the Constitution of Yugoslavia of 1946 (effective upon passing by the Constituent Assembly of Yugoslavia on 31 Jan 1946 as required by Art. 139 of the Constitution) (Yugoslavia Official Gazette, No. 10, 1 Feb 1946, pp. 74-94) |
31 Jan 1946 - 7 Apr 1963 |
Ljudska republika Slovenija | People's Republic of Slovenia |
20 Feb 1946 |
name of the state is approved in accordance with a law passed by the Slovene National Liberation Council (Slovenski narodnoosvobodilni svet) on 14 Feb 1946, effective upon publication on 20 Feb 1946 (Slovenia Official Gazette, No. 15, 20 Feb 1946, p. 39) |
7 Apr 1963 |
name of the state is changed in accordance with the Constitution of Yugoslavia of 1963 (effective upon passing by the Federal Assembly of Yugoslavia on 7 Apr 1963 as required by Art. 259 of the Constitution and a Constitutional Law of 7 Apr 1963) (Yugoslavia Official Gazette, No. 14, 10 Apr 1963) |
7 Apr 1963 - 8 Mar 1990 |
Socialistična republika Slovenija | Socialist Republic of Slovenia |
8 Mar 1990 |
name of the state is changed in accordance with an amendment to the Constitution passed by the Assembly of the Republic (Skupščina) on 7 Mar 1990 (effective upon the promulgation of the law on the effectiveness of Constitutional amendments on 8 Mar 1990) (Slovenia Official Gazette, No. 8, 16 Mar 1990, pp. 495-497) |
8 Mar 1990 - |
Republika Slovenija | Republic of Slovenia |
2 Jul 1990 |
Slovenia is proclaimed a sovereign state in accordance with a declaration adopted by the Assembly of the Republic (Skupščina) on 2 Jul 1990 with immediate effect (Slovenia Official Gazette, No. 26, 6 Jul 1990) |
25 Jun 1991 |
Slovenia is proclaimed an independent and sovereign state in accordance with a declaration adopted by the Assembly of the Republic (Skupščina) on 25 Jun 1991 (Slovenia Official Gazette, No. 1, 25 Jun 1991, pp. 4-5) |