HomeNationsSloveniaPresidents of the National Assembly: 1953-1974

Slovenia: Presidents of the National Assembly: 1953-1974

Predsednik Ljudske skupščine Ljudske republike Slovenije | Presidents of the National Assembly of the People's Republic of Slovenia
30 Jan 1953 - 16 Dec 1953 Ferdo Kozak [1]
16 Dec 1953 - 9 Jun 1962 Miha Marinko
9 Jun 1962 - 25 Jun 1963 Vida Tomšič [2]
Predsednik Skupščine Socialistične republike Slovenije | Presidents of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia
25 Jun 1963 - 9 May 1967 Ivan Maček
9 May 1967 - 9 May 1974 Sergej Kraigher [3]
  1. In office from 17 Jan 1947.
  2. Née Bernot.
  3. Also in Yugoslavia.