HomeNationsSloveniaPresident of the Presidency of the Slovenian Council for the National Liberation: 1944-1946

Slovenia: President of the Presidency of the Slovenian Council for the National Liberation: 1944-1946

Predsednik Predsedstva Slovenskega narodnoosvobodilnega sveta | President of the Presidency of the Slovenian Council for the National Liberation
19 Feb 1944 - 19 Nov 1946 Josip Vidmar
  1. The Slovenian Committee for the National Liberation (Slovenski narodnoosvobodilni odbor) was renamed the Slovenian Council for the National Liberation by a resolution of the Committee of 19 Feb 1944 and was immediately proclaimed the highest legislative and executive body of the Slovenian national authority ("slovenska narodna oblast") in accordance with a declaration approved by the Council on the same day.