HomeNationsState of Slovenes, Croats and SerbsPresident and Vice Presidents of the National Council: 1918

State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs: President and Vice Presidents of the National Council: 1918

During the absence of the President of the National Council (17 Oct 1918 - 3 Dec 1918) who was elected in absentia and stayed abroad on a diplomatic mission, the Vice Presidents of the National Council exercised the functions of presiding officer.
President of the National Council:
Predsednik Narodnega veča (sveta) Slovencev, Hrvatov in Srbov (Slovenian) = Predsjednik Narodnog vijeća Slovenaca, Hrvata i Srba (Croatian) = Predsednik Narodnog vijeća Slovenaca, Hrvata i Srba (Председник Народног вијећа Словенаца, Хрвата и Срба) (Serbian) | President of the National Council of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs [1]
17 Oct 1918 - 3 Dec 1918 Anton Korošec [2]
Vice Presidents of the National Council:
Podpredsednik Narodnega veča (sveta) Slovencev, Hrvatov in Srbov (Slovenian) = Podpredsjednik Narodnog vijeća Slovenaca, Hrvata i Srba (Croatian) = Podpredsednik Narodnog vijeća Slovenaca, Hrvata i Srba (Подпредседник Народног вијећа Словенаца, Хрвата и Срба) (Serbian) | Vice President of the National Council of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs
17 Oct 1918 - 3 Dec 1918 Ante Pavelić [3]
17 Oct 1918 - 3 Dec 1918 Svetozar Pribičević
  1. The members of the National Council were elected on 6 Oct 1918, at a meeting of political party representatives in Zagreb. However, the National Council was never convened as a body. Instead, its Central Committee (Osrednji odbor | Središnji odbor | Средишни одбор) assumed its functions, beginning with the election of the presidency on 17 Oct 1918. On 29 Oct 1918, the Assembly (Sabor) of the Kingdom of Croatia, Slavonia, and Dalmatia passed a resolution proclaiming the National Council as the highest authority of the new state.
    The decisions of the Central Committee were consistently presented as if they had originated from the National Council in session. After the proclamation of unification with Serbia, the Central Committee issued a communiqué on 3 Dec 1918, acknowledging that the National Council had ceased to function as the highest authority. However, the Committee continued to hold a few more meetings.
  2. The president and vice presidents of the National Council were elected at the Central Committee meeting on 17 Oct 1918 (The Slovene, No. 240, 18 Oct 1918, p. 1). Korošec, who was abroad on a diplomatic mission at the time, was elected in absentia and assumed the presidency only upon his return at the Central Committee meeting on 3 Dec 1918.
  3. The namesake of Ante Pavelić who served as the Leader of the Independent State of Croatia (1941-1945).