HomeNationsSerbiaPolity Style: 1990-2025

Serbia: Polity Style: 1990-2025

28 Sep 1990 the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia (Ustav Republike Srbije | Устав Републике Србије) is proclaimed and came into operation in accordance with a resolution approved at the joint session of the chambers of the National Assembly (Skupština|Скупштина) of the Socialist Republic of Serbia on 28 Sep 1990 (Serbia Official Gazette, No. 1, 28 Sep 1990, pp. 1-10)
28 Sep 1990 - Republika Srbija (Република Србија) | Republic of Serbia
27 Apr 1992 Serbia and Montenegro formed a federal state in accordance with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Ustav Savezne Republike Jugoslavije | Устав Савезне Републике Југославије), adopted at the session of the Federal Council (Savezno veće|Савезно веће) of the National Assembly (Skupština|Скупштина) of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia held on 27 Jun 1992 in Belgrade and promulgated on the same day (Serbia and Montenegro Official Gazette, No. 1, 27 Apr 1992, pp. 1-11) [4]
4 Feb 2003 Serbia and Montenegro formed a state union in accordance with the Constitutional Charter of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro (Ustavna povelja državne zajednice Srbija i Crna Gora | Уставна повеља државне заједнице Србија и Црна Гора), adopted by the House of Citizens (Veće građana|Веће грађана) and the House of Republics (Veće republika|Веће република) of the Federal Assembly (Savezna skupština|Савезна скупштина) of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia at the sessions held on 4 Feb 2003 in Belgrade and promulgated on the same day (Serbia and Montenegro Official Gazette, No. 1, 4 Feb 2003, pp. 1-5)
3 Jun 2006 Montenegro is proclaimed an independent state in accordance with a declaration and a proclamation approved by the National Assembly (Skupština|Скупштина) of the Republic of Montenegro on 3 Jun 2006 (Montenegro Official Gazette, No. 36, 5 Jun 2006, Art. 423 and 424)