Karelia: Chairman of the Revolutionary Committee: 1920-1921
Predsedatel' Revoljucionnogo Komiteta Karel'skoj Trudovoj Kommuny (Председатель Революционного Комитета Карельской Трудовой Коммуны) | Chairman of the Revolutionary Committee of the Karelian Labor Commune [1] | |
7 Jun 1920 - 18 Feb 1921 | Èdvard Aleksandrovič Gjulling (Эдвард Александрович Гюллинг) [2] |
- The members of the Revolutionary Committee were appointed by a resolution of the Orgburo of the Russian Communist Party of Bolsheviks on 7 Jun 1920. The Committee arrived to the territory of the governorate of Olonets shortly before 22 Jun 1920 and originally settled in the town of Kem. After reaching a power-sharing agreement with the regional authorities, the Committee moved to Petrozavodsk and was named the highest state authority of the Karelian Labor Commune by a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the Russian SFSR issued on 4 Aug 1920.
- Original name (Finnish): Edvard Otto Wilhelm Gylling.