HomeNationsLiberiaPolity Style: 1839-2024

Liberia: Polity Style: 1839-2024

5 Jan 1839 colonies or settlements of Monrovia, New Georgia, Caldwell, Millsburg, Marshall, Bexley, Bassa Cove, and Edina formed a united government under the name of the Commonwealth of Liberia in accordance with a Constitution adopted by the Board of Directors of the American Colonization Society on 5 Jan 1839, meeting of the Board of 5 Jan 1839, Washington, D.C. (African Repository, No. 4, March 1839, pp. 68-71)
4 Apr 1839 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Liberia is approved, meeting of the Governor and Council, Monrovia (Liberian Government Archives I 1828-1911, Box 2, Minutes of the Governor and Council, 1838-1839; American Colonization Society Annual Report, 23rd meeting, 1840, p. 5)
4 Apr 1839 - 26 Jul 1847 Commonwealth of Liberia
26 Jul 1847 Liberia is proclaimed free, sovereign and independent state under the name of the Republic of Liberia in accordance with a declaration of independence adopted and signed by the delegates of the Constitutional Convention on 26 Jul 1847 in Monrovia (Liberia Herald, No. 17, 30 Jul 1847, p. 66)
26 Jul 1847 - Republic of Liberia