HomeNationsKyrgyzstanPolity Style: 1924-1990

Kyrgyzstan: Polity Style: 1924-1990

14 Oct 1924 part of the territory of the Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is organized as the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Oblast in accordance with a resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of 14 Oct 1924 (RSFSR Laws and Orders Collection - Part I, No. 87, 24 Dec 1924, pp. 1255-1256)
17 Oct 1924 the partition of the Turkestan ASSR and creation of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (as part of the Uzbek SSR), Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic and Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Oblast (as part of the Russian SFSR) is supported by a resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics adopted on 17 Oct 1924 (USSR Laws and Orders Collection - Part I, No. 19, 24 Nov 1924, Art. 187, pp. 255-256)
14 Oct 1924 - 25 May 1925 Ѐrktùù Kara-Kyrgyz Oblusu (Эрктүү Кара-Кыргыз Облусу) = Kara-Kirgizskaja avtonomnaja oblast' (Кара-Киргизская автономная область) | Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Oblast [1]
25 May 1925 the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Oblast is renamed the Kyrgyz Autonomous Oblast in accordance with a resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of 25 May 1925 (RSFSR Laws and Orders Collection - Part I, No. 36, 19 Jun 1925, p. 451)
25 May 1925 - 7 Mar 1927 Ѐrktùù Kyrgyz Oblusu (Эрктүү Кыргыз Облусу) = Kirgizskaja avtonomnaja oblast' (Киргизская автономная область) | Kyrgyz Autonomous Oblast
1 Feb 1926 the Kyrgyz Autonomous Oblast is reconstituted as the Kyrgyz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, part of the Russian SFSR, in accordance with a resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of 1 Feb 1926, pending the approval by the the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (Kirghiz ASSR Founding Documents, p. 1)
18 Nov 1926 the resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of 1 Feb 1926 is approved by the resolution of All-Russian Central Executive Committee of 18 Nov 1926 (RSFSR Laws and Orders Collection - Part I, No. 90, 27 Dec 1926, pp. 1149-1152)
7 Mar 1927 the establishment of the Kyrgyz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as part of the Russian SFSR is proclaimed in accordance with a declaration passed by the All-Kyrgyz Congress of Councils held in Frunze on 7 Mar 1927
7 Mar 1927 - 5 Dec 1936 Kyrgyz Avtonomiâluu Sovettik Socialisttik Respublikasy (Кыргыз Автономиялуу Советтик Социалисттик Республикасы) = Kirgizskaja Avtonomnaja Sovetskaja Socialističeskaja Respublika (Киргизская Автономная Советская Социалистическая Республика) | Kyrgyz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
5 Dec 1936 the Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republic is named a constituent republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in accordance with the Constitution (Basic Law) of the USSR (Konstitucija (Osnovnoj Zakon) Sojuza Sovetskih Socialističeskih Republik | Конституция (Основной Закон) Союза Советских Социалистических Республик) adopted by the Extraordinary All-Union Congress of Councils on 5 Dec 1936 in Moscow (USSR Eighth Congress of Councils Proceedings 1936, Bulletin No. 12, pp. 38-39; USSR Eighth Congress of Councils Proceedings 1936, Constitution, pp. 1-20)
5 Dec 1936 - 15 Dec 1990 Kyrgyz Sovettik Socialisttik Respublikasy (Кыргыз Советтик Социалисттик Республикасы) = (to 30 Sep 1989) Kirgizskaja Sovetskaja Socialističeskaja Respublika (Киргизская Советская Социалистическая Республика) | Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republic [2]
1 Oct 1989 Kyrgyz is declared the state language in accordance with a law passed by the Supreme Council (Žogorku Soveti | Жогорку Совети) of the Kyrgyz SSR on 23 Sep 1989, effective on 1 Oct 1989 in accordance with a resolution of the Supreme Council passed on 23 Sep 1989
15 Dec 1990 the sovereignty of the Kyrgyz Republic is proclaimed in accordance with a declaration adopted by the Supreme Council (Žogorku Soveti | Жогорку Совети) of the Kyrgyz SSR on 15 Dec 1990 (Soviet Kyrgyzstan, No. 300, 30 Dec 1990, p. 1; Soviet Kirghizia, No. 1, 1 Jan 1991, p. 2) [3]
  1. Original spelling: ەركتۉ قارا قرعز وبلۇسى (Kyrgyz Arabic-based alphabet)
  2. Original spelling: Qьrƣьz Sovettik Sotsialistik Respublikasь (Kyrgyz Latin-based alphabet, 1936-1941)
  3. The declaration was issued by the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz SSR, but all references to "Kyrgyz SSR" in Kyrgyz and "Kirgizskaja SSR" (Киргизская ССР) in Russian printed versions were removed. The passing of the declaration was briefly reported in Soviet Kirghizia, No. 288, 16 Dec 1990, p. 1, and Soviet Kyrgyzstan, No. 289, 18 Dec 1990, p. 1, but the publication of the text was delayed.