HomeNationsKazakhstanPolity Style: 1920-1991

Kazakhstan: Polity Style: 1920-1991

26 Aug 1920 Kazakhstan (Kirghiz ASSR) is constituted as an autonomous republic within the Russian SFSR in accordance with a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the Russian SFSR issued on 26 Aug 1920 (Izvestija, No. 192, 1 Sep 1920, p. 2; RSFSR Laws and Orders Collection - Part I, No. 76, 5 Sep 1920, pp. 529-531)
26 Aug 1920 - 5 Dec 1936 Qazaqstan Avtonomiialy Sovettık Sotsialistık Respublikasy (Қазақстан Автономиялы Советтік Социалистік Республикасы) = (to 19 Apr 1925) Kirgizskaja Avtonomnaja Socialističeskaja Sovetskaja Respublika (Киргизская Автономная Социалистическая Советская Республика ) = (19 Apr 1925 - 5 Feb 1936) Kazakskaja Avtonomnaja Sovetskaja Socialističeskaja Respublika (Казакская Автономная Советская Социалистическая Республика ) = (from 5 Feb 1936) Kazahskaja Avtonomnaja Sovetskaja Socialističeskaja Respublika (Казахская Автономная Советская Социалистическая Республика) | Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan / Kazakh (Kirghiz) Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic [1]
19 Apr 1925 the name of the state in Russian is changed in accordance with a resolution of the All-Kirghiz Congress of Councils passed on 19 Apr 1925 (Fifth Congress of Councils Bulletin, No. 8, 19 Apr 1925, pp. 5-6)
15 Jun 1925 the change of the name is confirmed by a decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee issued on 15 Jun 1925 (Izvestija, No. 142, 25 Jun 1925, p. 4; RSFSR Laws and Orders Collection - Part I, No. 43, 25 Jul 1925, pp. 544-545)
5 Feb 1936 the spelling of the name of state in Russian is changed from Kazakskaja to Kazahskaja in accordance with a decree of the Presidium of the Kazakh Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the Kazakh ASSR dated 5 Feb 1936 (Kazahstanskaja pravda, No. 30, 6 Feb 1936, p. 1)
5 Dec 1936 constituent republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
5 Dec 1936 - 10 Dec 1991 Qazaq Sovettık Sotsialistık Respublikasy (Қазақ Советтік Социалистік Республикасы) = (to 1 Jul 1990) Kazahskaja Sovetskaja Socialističeskaja Respublika (Казахская Советская Социалистическая Республика) | Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic [3][4]
1 Jul 1990 Kazakh is recognized as the state language in accordance with a law passed by the Supreme Council (Joğarğy Keñes | Жоғарғы Кеңес) of the Kazakh SSR on 22 Sep 1989, taking effect on the date (1 Jul 1990) specified by a resolution of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR passed on 22 Sep 1989 (Sosıalıstik Qazaqstan, No. 227, 28 Sep 1989, p. 1)
25 Oct 1990 proclaimed a sovereign state in accordance with a declaration passed by the Supreme Council 25 Oct 1990 (Sotsialistık Qazaqstan, No. 249, 28 Oct 1990, p. 1)
  1. Original spelling:
    قازاقستان آفتونومیالی آلەۋمەتچل كەڭەس رەسپۋبلیكاسی (Qazaqstan Aftonomīyalı Älewmetčil Keŋes Respūblīkası, Kazakh Arabic-based alphabet, 1920-1929)
    Qazaƣьstan Aʙtonomьjalь Satsьjaldьq Keꞑester Respɵʙlijkesi (Kazakh Latin-based alphabet, 1929-1936)
  2. Original spelling:
    Qazaqtьꞑ Soʙetti Sotsijaldь Respuvʙlijkasь (Kazakh Latin-based alphabet, 1936-1937)
    Qazaqtьꞑ Soʙetti Sotsijalistik Respuvʙlijkasь (Kazakh Latin-based alphabet, 1937-1939)
    Qazaqtьꞑ Sovettj Sotsialistjk Respuʙlikasь (Kazakh Latin-based alphabet, 1939-1941)
    Қазақтың Советтік Социалистік Республикасы (Kazakh Cyrillic-based alphabet, 1941-c.1970)
    Қазақ Советтік Социалистік Республикасы (Kazakh Cyrillic-based alphabet, c.1970-1991)
  3. Also in official use (in 1991):
    Qazaq Keñestık Sotsialistık Respublikasy (Қазақ Кеңестік Социалистік Республикасы).
    The loanword sovettık (советтік) was replaced with keñestık (кеңестік).