HomeNationsGermanyBaden-WürttembergPolity Style: 1952-2025

Baden-Württemberg: Polity Style: 1952-2025

25 Apr 1952 federal states (Länder) Baden, Württemberg-Baden and Württemberg-Hohenzollern are merged into a new federal state in accordance with a law passed by the Bundestag 4 May 1951 and signed into a law on the same day; merger becomes effective upon the setting up of a provisional government (25 Apr 1952) in accordance with Art. 11 of the Law (Bundesgesetzblatt, Part 1, No. 20, 1951, pp. 284-287) [1][2]
25 Apr 1952 - 15 May 1952 Südweststaat (südwestdeutsches Bundesland) [3]
25 Apr 1952 forms a part of the Federal Republic of Germany [4]
15 May 1952 the name of the state is changed to Baden-Württemberg in accordance with Art. 1 of the law on provisional exercise of the state authority passed 15 May 1952 by a Constituent Assembly sitting in Stuttgart (BWGBl, No. 2, 17 May 1952, pp. 3-6) [5]
15 May 1952 - Land Baden-Württemberg

[1] Full title (German): Zweites Gesetz über die Neugliederung in den Ländern Baden, Württemberg-Baden und Württemberg-Hohenzollern.
[2] The session of a Constituent Assembly sitting in Stuttgart elected Reinhold Maier as Ministerpräsident (25 Apr 1952). Maier immediately appointed the members of his Cabinett and proclaimed the creation of a new federal state at the same session of the assembly (12.30 25 Apr 1952).
[3] The federal law of 4 May 1951 referred to a new state as Südweststaat (southwest state), but did not introduce any official name. The laws passed between 25 Mar 1952 and 15 May 1952 by the Constituent Assembly sitting in Stuttgart were issued in the name of a "southwest federal state" (südwestdeutsches Bundesland). A single issue of the official gazette in that period was published as Gesetzblatt für das südwestdeutsche Bundesland (No. 1, 25 Apr 1952).
[4] Art. 118 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany provided for the reorganization of the territory comprising the federal states of Baden, Württemberg-Baden and Württemberg-Hohenzollern by agreement between these states or by a federal law calling for a referendum.
[5] The name is confirmed in the Constitution of Baden-Württemberg passed 11 Nov 1953 by the Constituent Assembly of Baden-Württemberg and promulgated 16 Nov 1953 (BWGBl, No. 29, 19 Nov 1953, pp. 173-184)