HomeNationsFinlandGrand Princes: 1809-1917

Finland: Grand Princes: 1809-1917

Ruling House: Romanov
Storfurste till Finland | Grand Prince of Finland [1]
25 Dec 1808/6 Jan 1809 - 19 Nov/1 Dec 1825 Alexander I
19 Nov/1 Dec 1825 - 13/25 Dec 1825 Konstantin [2]
13/25 Dec 1825 - 18 Feb/2 Mar 1855 Nikolaj I
18 Feb/2 Mar 1855 - 1/13 Mar 1881 Alexander II
1/13 Mar 1855 - 20 Oct/1 Nov 1894 Alexander III
20 Oct/1 Nov 1894 - 2/15 Mar 1917 Nikolaj II
2/15 Mar 1917 - 27 Oct/9 Nov 1917 office vacant [3]

[1] Used only as a part of the full and/or short title of the Emperor of Russia; equivalents in other languages used for official purposes: Velikij Knjaz' Finljandskij (Великий Князь Финляндский) in Russian, Suomen suuriruhtinas in Finnish.
[2] Did not accept office despite recognition by Russian supreme bodies of state; the government continued to function in the name of Konstantin until his successor formally acceded to the throne, retroactively dating his accession to 19 Nov/1 Dec 1825.
[3] Grand-princely authority is exercised by the Provisional Government of Russia (Russian: Vremennoe pravitel'stvo (Временное правительство), Swedish: Provisorisk regering; Finnish: Väliaikaishallitus); on 27 Oct/9 Nov 1917 the Eduskunta (Diet) began to exercise sovereign authority de facto by passing a resolution on appointment of a Council of Regency, which was not implemented; on 2/15 Nov 1917 the Eduskunta assumed sovereign authority de iure.