Shu Han: Ruler and Emperors: 219-264Each ruler is recorded under the following protocol: personal name (míng | 名), considered tabooed (huì | 諱) upon accession; courtesy name (zì | 字); posthumous name (shì | 諡). The years of bestowal or change are given in brackets. |
Ruling House: Liú (劉) | |
Hànzhōng wáng (漢中王) | |
17 Sep 219 - 15 May 221 | Liú Bèi (劉備) |
Huángdì (皇帝) | |
15 May 221 - 10 Jun 223 | Liú Bèi (劉備) |
courtesy name: Xuándé (玄德) | |
posthumous name: Zhāo liè huángdì (昭烈皇帝) [223] | |
Jun/Jul 223 - Dec 263/Jan 264 | Liú Shàn (劉禪) [1][2][3] |
courtesy name: Gōngsì (公嗣) | |
common reference (byname): Hòuzhǔ (後主) [4] | |
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[1] | Acceded to the throne in the fifth month of the lunar year (16 Jun 223 - 15 Jul 223). |
[2] | Nobility title (after relinquishing imperial dignity): Ānlè gōng (安樂公) [conferred by the ruler of Cao Wei, 264]. |
[3] | Military defeat and occupation of Shu Han by the armies of Cao Wei occurred in the eleventh month of the lunar year (18 Dec 263 - 15 Jan 264). |
[4] | The epithet Hòuzhǔ (後主), used by historians, is the term meaning "later lord". |
Last update: 25 Dec 2023