HomeNationsCanadaProvince of QuebecPolity Style: 1763-1791

Province of Quebec: Polity Style: 1763-1791

10 Mar 1763 the possessions of France in North America, including Canada and dependencies, are ceded by the King of France to the King of Great Britain in accordance with a treaty signed by the plenipotentiaries of the kings of Great Britain, France and Spain on 10 Feb 1763 in Paris, effective on the exchange of ratifications on 10 Mar 1763 (Martens, 1:104-131; Chalmers, 1:467-494; Paris Treaty 1763 (Spanish official publication), pp. 139-314; France Diplomatie, Traités et accords de la France, TRA17630001)
7 Oct 1763 the territories in North America ceded by France are constituted as the Province of Quebec in accordance with a proclamation issued by command of the King of Great Britain on 7 Oct 1763 (Canada Constitutional Documents 1759-1791, 1:163-168)
7 Oct 1763 - 25 Dec 1791 Province of Quebec :: Province de Québec [1]
10 Aug 1764 the Province of Quebec is placed under the administration of the Governor-in-Chief and Council in accordance with a royal commission of 21 Nov 1763 which was read and published on 10 Aug 1764 at Québec (Quebec Gazette, No. 9, 16 Aug 1764, p. 2)
26 Dec 1791 the Province of Quebec is divided into the Province of Upper Canada and the Province of Lower Canada on the date (26 Dec 1791) appointed by a royal proclamation of 18 Nov 1791 in accordance with an act passed by the Parliament of Great Britain (House of Commons on 18 May 1791; House of Lords on 6 Jun 1791 with amendments; the amendments were agreed to by the House of Commons on 7 Jun 1791; received royal assent on 10 Jun 1791) (Pickering's Statutes at Large, vol. 37, part 2, pp. 294-310; Quebec Gazette, No. 1378, 1 Dec 1791, p. 1; Quebec and Upper Canada Proclamations 1760-1841, pp. 169-171) [2]
  1. The proclamation of 7 Oct 1763 referred to the territories as placed under the "distinct and separate Governments, styled and called by the names of Quebec, East Florida, West Florida and Grenada." The commission to the Governor-in-Chief of Quebec issued on 21 Nov 1763 defined the boundaries and referred to the territories as the Province of Quebec.
  2. Full title: An Act to repeal certain parts of an Act, passed in the fourteenth year of His Majesty's reign, intituled "An Act for making more effectual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec, in North Atnerica," and to make further provision for the Government of the said Province.