HomeNationsAzerbaijanPresident and Vice Presidents of the Parliament: 1918-1920

Azerbaijan: President and Vice Presidents of the Parliament: 1918-1920

During the absence of President of the Parliament (7 Dec 1918 - 27 Apr 1920) who was elected in absentia and stayed abroad on a diplomatic mission, (senior) Vice Presidents of the Parliament exercised the functions of presiding officer.
President of the Parliament:
Məclisi-Məbusan rəisi | President of the Parliament [1]
7 Dec 1918 - 27 Apr 1920 Əlimərdan bəy Ələkbər oğlu Topçubaşov [2]
Vice Presidents of the Parliament: [3]
Məclisi-Məbusan rəis müavini | Vice President of the Parliament [4]
7 Dec 1918 - 22 Jan 1920 Həsən bəy Məşədi Hüseyn oğlu Ağayev [5]
22 Jan 1920 - 2 Feb 1920 office vacant
2 Feb 1920 - 27 Apr 1920 Məmməd Yusif Hacıbaba oğlu Cəfərov
  1. Original spelling (Azerbaijani Arabic-based alphabet): مجلس مبعوثان رئيس
  2. Topçubaşov was elected in absentia and never assumed the presidency, staying abroad on a diplomatic mission.
  3. The Parliament elected first (senior) and second (junior) vice presidents. Both Ağayev and Cəfərov served as the first vice presidents, but the reference to the rank was omitted from the documents emananating from the presidency.
  4. Original spelling (Azerbaijani Arabic-based alphabet): مجلس مبعوثان رئيس معاون
  5. The resignation of Ağayev was submitted to the Parliament on 22 Jan 1920 and was acknowledged. The illness of the second (junior) vice president Sultan Məcid Murtuzəli oğlu Qənizadə (in office 7 Aug 1919 - 27 Apr 1920) caused the cancellation of sessions on 26 Jan 1920 and 29 Jan 1920. At the resumption of business after a recess, the session of 2 Feb 1920 was opened by the president by age Məmmədrza ağa Vəkilov. The Parliament proceeded with the election of the senior vice president when Cəfərov was elected and assumed the presidency.