The Political Council of the Cabinet (Politischer Kabinettsrat) was formed at the meeting of the Provisional State Government (Provisorische Staatsregierung) on 30 Apr 1945 (originally referred to as Politisches Kabinett). In the provisional Constitution (Vorläufige Verfassung) of 1 May 1945 [1], some functions usually associated with a head of state, notably the promulgation (Beurkundung) of legislation, were entrusted to the Political Council described as a body of state secretaries without portfolio, chaired by the State Chancellor (Staatskanzler), chosen to be associated with the State Chancellor on matters of fundamental importance; this body consisted of representatives of the parties in the Government. The emerging, though muted, pre-eminence of the Political Council was consolidated in the Second Constitutional Transition Act (2. Verfassungs-Überleitungsgesetz) of 13 Dec 1945 [2], which assigned to this body the functions of the Federal President (Bundespräsident) pending the election of a person to fill this office. |