HomeNationsAlbaniaHeads of State: 1912-1916

Albania: Heads of State: 1912-1916

Ruling House (7 Mar 1914 - 3 Sep 1914): Wied-Neuwied
Kryetar i Qeverisë së Përkohshme | Chairman of the Provisional Government
28 Nov 1912 - 22 Jan 1914 Ismail Mahmut Qemali Bej Vlora  [1]
Komisioni Ndërkombëtar i Kontrollit | International Commission of Control
22 Jan 1914 - 7 Mar 1914 membership [1]
Mbret i Shqiptarëve | King of the Albanians [2][3]
7 Mar 1914 - 3 Sep 1914 Wilhelm I. (Wilhelm Friedrich Heinrich Prinz zu Wied-Neuwied)
Komisioni Ndërkombëtar i Kontrollit | International Commission of Control
3 Sep 1914 - after 6 Sep 1914 membership
Kryetar i Këshillit të Përgjithshëm të Senatit Shqiptar | Chairman of the General Council of the Albanian Senate
23 Sep 1914 - 4 Oct 1914 Mustafa Ndroqi
Kryetar i Qeverisë së Përkohshme | Chairman of the Provisional Government
4 Oct 1914 - 24 Feb 1916 Esat Ali Pashë Toptani 

[1] Kryetar i Këshillit të Pleqësisë së Shqipërisë së Mesme | Chairman of the Council of Seniors of Central Albania (in dissidence)
12 Oct 1913 - 12 Feb 1914 Esat Ali Pashë Toptani
[2] The Organic Statute of Albania promulgated by the International Commission of Control 10 Apr 1914 refers to the sovereign as Prince (original version of the Statute was drafted in French).
[3] Accepted the throne of Albania at a meeting with Albanian delegation in Neuwied, German Reich, 21 Feb 1914. Landed at Durrës, Albania, 7 Mar 1914.