Portugal: Royalist Governing Junta: 1919 - Archontology
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Portugal: Royalist Governing Junta: 1919

Junta Governativa do Reino de Portugal
19 Jan 1919 - 13 Feb 1919 Henrique Mitchel de Paiva Couceiro (presidente)
19 Jan 1919 - 13 Feb 1919 António Sollari Allegro
19 Jan 1919 - 13 Feb 1919 Júlio Girão Faria de Morais Sarmento, visconde do Banho
19 Jan 1919 - 13 Feb 1919 João de Almeida
19 Jan 1919 - 13 Feb 1919 Luís Cipriano Coelho de Magalhães
19 Jan 1919 - 13 Feb 1919 Artur da Silva Ramos
19 Jan 1919 - 13 Feb 1919 Pedro de Barbosa Falcão de Azevedo e Bourbon, conde de Azevedo

Constituted following a royalist coup at Porto inspired by Henrique Mitchel de Paiva Couceiro; proclaimed the restoration of King Manuel II, who had no contact with this enterprise; reestablished entire machinery of the monarchy; its authority extended at times all the way to Viseu and over everything north of that latitude, with the notable exception of Chaves, in the extreme North.