Poland: Heads of State: 1917-1939 - Archontology
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Poland: Heads of State: 1917-1939

Marszałek Koronny | Crown Marshal [1]
15 Jan 1917 - 30 Aug 1917 Wacław Józef Niemojowski
Przewodniczący Komisji Przejściowej Tymczasowej Rady Stanu | Chairman of the Transitional Committee of the Provisional Council of State [2]
28 Aug 1917 - 27 Oct 1917 Józef Karol Mateusz Mikułowski-Pomorski
Rada Regencyjna Królestwa Polskiego | Council of Regency of the Kingdom of Poland [3]
27 Oct 1917 - 14 Nov 1918 Arcybiskup Aleksander Kakowski
27 Oct 1917 - 14 Nov 1918 Zdzisław książę Lubomirski
27 Oct 1917 - 14 Nov 1918 Józef August hrabia Ostrowski
Naczelny Dowódca Wojsk Polskich | Supreme Commander of the Polish Army [4]
14 Nov 1918 - 22 Nov 1918 Józef Klemens Piłsudski
Naczelnik Państwa | Chief of State
22 Nov 1918 - 14 Dec 1922 Józef Klemens Piłsudski
Prezydent Rzeczypospolitej | President of the Republic
14 Dec 1922 - 16 Dec 1922 Gabriel Józef Narutowicz [5]
Marszałek Sejmu | Speaker of the Diet (ex officio)
16 Dec 1922 - 20 Dec 1922 Maciej Rataj
Prezydent Rzeczypospolitej | President of the Republic
20 Dec 1922 - 14 May 1926 Stanisław Wojciechowski [6]
Marszałek Sejmu | Speaker of the Diet (ex officio)
15 May 1926 - 4 Jun 1926 Maciej Rataj 
Prezydent Rzeczypospolitej | President of the Republic
4 Jun 1926 - 18 Sep 1939 Ignacy Mościcki [7]

[1] Marszałek Koronny was the chairperson of the Provisional Council of State (Tymczasowa Rada Stanu) which held sessions from 15 Jan 1917 to 30 Aug 1917. On 25 Aug 1917 the Council of State resolved that its members should resign and appointed a transitional committee which was constituted at its first meeting on 28 Aug 1917.
[2] Transitional Committee continued to hold sessions to 24 Jan 1918 when its functions were transferred to the Council of Ministers.
[3] Tymczasowy Rząd Ludowy Republiki Polskiej: Prezydent ministrów | Provisional People's Government of the Republic of Poland: Prime Minister (in dissidence to 14 Nov 1918)
  7 Nov 1918 - 17 Nov 1918 Ignacy Ewaryst Daszyński
[4] Naczelny Dowódca Wojsk Polskich was the title used in a letter (14 Nov 1918) from the Council of Regency to Piłsudski, notifying him of the transfer of state power. Piłsudski used only his name in a decree appointing the Prime Minister (14 Nov 1918), avoiding any style. A telegram sent on 16 Nov 1918 to notify the governments of the United States, Italy, Germany, Japan and other nations on the establishment of the Polish state was signed by Piłsudski as Wódz Naczelny Armii Polskiej (Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Army). On 22 Nov 1918 he assumed the office of Chief of State (Naczelnik Państwa) by issuing a decree. The office of the Chief of State was considered provisional to 20 Feb 1919 when it was approved by the Constituent Assembly (Sejm Ustawodawczy).
[5] Took oath of office 11 Dec 1922 at the session of the Sejm; handover ceremony was held in the Belweder Palace, Warsaw, on 14 Dec 1922.
[6] The letter of resignation of Wojciechowski was dated 14 May 1926, Wilanów, calling for the constitutional successor (Speaker of the Diet Rataj) to assume the functions of the office; Rataj formally assumed the functions of the President of the Republic on 15 May 1926 as evident from a notice published in Monitor Polski, No. 109, 15 May 1926.
[7] Ceased to exercise the functions of office upon leaving the territory of Poland 18 Sep 1939 and resigned 30 Sep 1939.